Need Help: Wiring up a Deck for my 89

so here’s the low down, I got a deck for my S13 but when i saw the wiring for the busted existing deck that was in it, i noticed the previous owner (or whoever before them) had hardwired the deck and completely butchered the wiring. So today while i was at work i decided to take a shot at wiring my deck and long story short it hasn’t gone well, somehow the constant wire has to power the deck. if anyone can give me suggestions or just come help me with this it would be much appreciated because as much as i love my exhaust, i need to listen to something else before i go insane.

Thanks in advance and if someone can come help me, pm me, it goes straight to my blackberry.

if you come over i can do it for you man
sorry baby means i cant realy travel but im more then happy to help you out
pm me if you want

i can help you out call me 705 241 7598 names nick

Thanks for the instructions Nick, Deck is wired up and workin like a charm

Will, your car’s good now, I’m hijacking your thread :slight_smile:

I’ve got the same problem, only thing is, my whole deck is wired up except my rear passenger side speaker isn’t working… There’s kind of a mess of wires behind the deck, since the previous owner was a wiring hack, as well as a couple of wires going to my three switches.

Would any wiring-savvy people like to take a look?


I own.

Yes, Martino Confirmed the wiring for me, 240sx gave me a direction to go in and JPod89…well he blew my audio fuse but its the consideration and effort that counts =D

XSNRG, I had the same problem. My two rear speakers wouldn’t work. the easiest thing to do is to run new wires from the rear speakers, it is very easy, took me total 1 hour.

Trying to figure where the break, or short circuit may take forever.


Erm… I didn’t blow your fuse. I had it wired correctly. Chris crossed two live wires and blew it.

Did you check his starter?

First thing I looked for.

Good man.