Cold Weather?

Ok so this morning my mom called me to help her jump her car, she has a 2001 pontiac vibe. So I showed up, hooked everything up and her car started right up no problem, then I took the jumper cables off and her car freaked out. As soon as i would take either cable off the battery her 4 ways, windshield washers, all sorts of lights and buzzers started to go off…
I’ve never seen or heard of anything like this, it would stop as soon as I put the cable back though… She had just taken the car to basil yesterday to get an oil change and what not, and none of this happened before that. Eventually I was able to take the cables off and the car was fine after restarting it.
Anyone know anything about this/have this happen before?

not sure what might cause it, but I’d assume it’ related to the cold weather more so than basil.

if it does it again, once the weather warms up a bit, then I’d take it back in for service

Wierd, my dads car was running like crap this am also, it has never had a problem. Even my sisters new scion was acting up.

The sunfire I have for sale won’t start all of a sudden even tho it has good battery…i havent tried jumping it yet.

My explorer which has been fine since day one all of a sudden has a new squeak…

I am hoping once we get back into the 30’s this will all be remedied.

I can’t imagine sitting at temps of 3 degrees over night is helping older batteries hold a strong charge.

Yeah, what’s happening is the low voltage in the BCM is causing a lot of issues.

Her alternator is probably not at 100% and the cold increases battery charge time substantially.

My truck deffinitly cranked over a few extra times last night before it started.

Maybe its a good thing i have a 3 Farad Cap because i had this battery tested before and it apparently failed but it still starts so idc.

Low power definately messes with electronics and newer cars are controlled by electronics.(obviously) Back in the old days cars either ran or they didn’t. lol

They even sell grounding wires that add hp.:rolljerk:

I’m glad all my vehicles are in a garage all night. Last thing I need is trouble starting them due to this freezing cold weather.

yea thats weird, you would think the car would stall rather than turn everything on when power is low, it really freaked her out she was about to leave for rochester, and she thought that i did something wrong cause i jumped it with my audi instead of an american car…

^Oh that explains it! Your battery is metric! You can’t put metric voltage into an American car!!!:mamoru:

I was going to post this in Tech but since the thread exists maybe i’ll get my answer here!

Civic (97 hx)

The brake light on the dash keeps coming on during acceleration, especially from a stop. It will then turn off once I hit speed or during braking.

Something binding up due to the weather, Honda Boiz?

maybe your master is low on fluid so during acceleration it sets off the sensor when the fluid moves around.

if its the parking brake my mom’s car is doing the same thing, i metered the battery and i could watch it dropping slowly, its only a 4 month old interstate too… this weather just sucks

Brake fluid is hygroscopic(absorbs water), being a 97 i’d imagine it has a ton of moisture in the system and will therefore expand/contract a lot more than just straight brake fluid, which would cause this during cold weather.

im surprised you guys are having issues with the cold weather. blazer fired right up as usual, never plugged in the block heater either. my dads 325i, which sometimes cranks a while in the cold, didnt even have an issue…but fyi, they make insulated covers for batteries. i dont know where to get em but i know the factories have em on some new cars. could prob order one.

Dead battery. Get a new one.

Trying to keep it cold?

lol. people don’t understand that insulation doesn’t make things warmer…

Tryin to keep it looking baller.