Car doesn't like to start in cold....

Hey, maybe you guys can help me out. I posted on another forum(nasioc) and all I got was BS and replace your battery responses. (Battery is fairly new and was replaced when I first had this problem).

Car is a 03 Wrx with 87k on it. This problem has been present the past 2 winters, this being the 3rd. The problem is, when the temperature outside drops below 25-30, the car can’t start. What will happen is it will crank super slow, or start and sound like only 1 cylinder is firing, and/or run like very low rpm with inconsistency. But, sometimes it will crank right up shoot to 1500rpm, run for 1-2 seconds, then die. Or, it will do that but not die, it will just drop so low rpm that its like pratically stalling, but not. The car has to have been sitting for enough time to be cold for this to happen. If the car is warm, or its over 30+ outside, it will start up fine.

The car has a Compustar remote start/alarm, and a Utec installed. Not sure if these would be the problem, or contribute but if you think so please let me know.

Every winter I try and figure it out, but never have been sucessful, and my knowledge is limited anyway. Any ideas?

its the battery, they werent bullshit responses. slow cranking is the battery or the starter

not all batterys like cold weather, run it dead a few times and it really wont like cold weather

I would assume you replaced the battery last winter when you were having the same problem?
Was it the same before and after the new battery?

My mom had a 96 camaro that would not start below 32 deg unless it was parked inside the stealership overnight. They gave my parents such a hard time about “not reproducing the problem” they just traded it in. My wifes car had some issues recently…
It would not start and crank “funny” Smelled like burnt plastic too. I’m fairly sure here remote start was the problem as it no longer works.

Anyway, If the battery is good and possibly load tested when cold, you could start lookng elsewhere.

Battery doesn’t really explain why once it does start it barely runs though.

Test it. Throw a set of jumper cables on there tomorrow morning and see if it starts up. If it does adding more cranking power solved the problem so it’s obviously battery. \

Sounds more involved than that though considering it starts sometimes but just doesn’t run right. Any check engine light? If so what’s the code?

I may be completely off, but could super thick oil do this? Maybe you have the wrong weight oil in there, and the cold weather is just make it way way too thick, causing a lot more resistance on the starter?

Yup, What grade of engine oil are you using? 5W30?

I might even use a 0w30 with this thing in the winter. Mobil1 makes a good one, also Amsoil.

From the Amsoil website, the oil recommendation.

Engine Oil
Grade 1…API*
Subaru has published Service Bulletin # 02-103-07 that identifies a factory design related problem with premature clogging of the oil mesh screen located inside the oiling system that supplies the turbo charger on all model turbo charged cars. A clogged screen will result in oil starvation and turbo charger failure. Subaru has reduced their recommended oil drain interval in half, as a solution, from 7,500 miles to 3,750 miles (3-3/4 months) and requires the oil mesh screen to be inspected, and possibly serviced, at every oil change. With this Subaru factory related design issue, AMSOIL INC. therefore must recommend customers follow the new Subaru oil change interval of 3,750 miles or 3-3/4 months until Subaru resolves this issue.
Signature Series 0W-30 100% Synthetic Motor Oil (SSOQT)
SAE 5W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil (ASLQT)
XL 5W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil (XLFQT)
Above -4F…10W-30, 10W-40
Above 95F…30, 40, 10W-50, 20W-40, 20W-50 [1]
Below 104F…5W-30 [2]

Thick oil and shitty battery sounds about right.


I use 5w30 AMSOIL, actually just changed it yesterday. I have always used 5w30 AMSOIL or royal purple in the 4+ years I’ve had the car, even before the problem.

As for the battery, I will try jumping it if it has trouble starting this morning. The battery was bought 2 winters ago when I was going through trying to fix it. Its a Die Hard Gold and it has a cca rating of 600+ in 0 deg, so I figured that should be fine. Still, I’ll try it and get back to you.

I took out my utec last night to test a theory so I’ll start it up here soon to see what happens.

I would try battery first, then check all of your grounds, especially the ground strap going to the engine. I wouldnt be suprised if the battery was bad outta the box.

…So I just started it after sitting since 11pm last night, its about 25deg outside, and it fired right up. Only difference is the Utec is out. I will let it sit again for a few hours and see. If it labors I will pull out the jumper cables and give it a go.