Car Break in at mall

CPD Calls in Air One to search for some black guy who broke into a car at the Mall.

Now, I know it’s probably costs us tax payers a Couple grand to put that thing into the air, But come on now, for a car break in?

It has however “In my beleaf” that the City of buffalo should invest in a heli to have up in the air. It’s just came to that point that they need to do something to help fight crime and search for these idiots

id it was your car you would be happy

odds are he has done it before, and will do it again. So this might stop many more crimes in the future


id it was your car you would be happy


No I’d actually tell them they don’t need to go that far as to call in a helicopter. Thats what Insurance is for.

Did you quote “In my beleaf” because that it quite possibly the dumbest fucking thing ever misspelled in the history of NYSPEED, or were you just trying to be funny? Belief.


Did you quote “In my beleaf” because that it quite possibly the dumbest fucking thing ever misspelled in the history of NYSPEED





No I’d actually tell them they don’t need to go that far as to call in a helicopter. Thats what Insurance is for.


yeah, so you can get $10 after your deductible and have your rates go up tenfold for what you do collect. 9 times out of 10 the victim just eats it.

lol NYSFF do you just live on police scanners all day and then post everything you hear on NYSPEED?

I’ve been in that helicopter before. it was prob in the area when they called it. not a big deal for them to check out the area with their hot all camera


lol NYSFF do you just live on police scanners all day and then post everything you hear on NYSPEED?


No went by that one on the way home.

Yeah I’m a loser. So I guess this is my fancy

I seen that chopper in the air, I think there is more to the story than you know.


they had cop cars/ cops surrounding the woods and in the field on galleria drive. how could they care that much for a break in?