Thumbs Down to Scumbags and C.P.D.

Well i was greated with a fantastic Wednesday morning surprise when I walked outside to find that someone decided to hit my car last night! Both the front and rear driver side doors have significant damage (2003 WRX). After venting my frustation I called Cheektowaga Police to file a claim. Let’s just say they were as helpful as a fat chick in a tight situation! So once again fuck off scumbags who don’t have the decency to leave your information and big thumbs down to local law enforcement.

Side Notes: I live on a culdesac in a well lighted and not shitty part of Cheektowaga.


Wtf did you want the cops to do? Check their imaginary security cameras for footage? Sorry to hear about your car, but quit being a bitch.

sucks man, but what would u want the cops to do for you? if they made a report they did all they could. thats why u call for a hit and run and your insurance wont go up PICS?

how the hell do you live in a culdasac without driveways. MOVE.

You SOL on the car, hopefully your deductable is low.

:word: my wrx was hit and run pretty bad when I had it. I didn’t expect APD to do anything about it, just needed to file the complaint for insurance purposes. It sucks, but move on.

Sucks that your car got hit. Hopefully you have insurance… because, umm… that’s what it’s for. :slight_smile:

LOL…spelled doors wrong but managed to get culdasec right. Not looking for sympathy just venting some frustration!

jesus christ poopy

really on the driveway response. your a tard

Hey could be worse- I was hit by the cops and am shit out of luck on that.

Schmitts on Broadway and Transit probably does the best body work in the Cheektowaga/Depew area if it helps.

Nice and well lit area in Cheektowaga doesn’t mean shit… I had 2 vehicles broken into in my driveway and shit destroyed and stolen… I’ve got lights all over the place in my driveway and house… they did it anyways. Cops took a report for insurances purposes, and that’s all I ever heard. Never got anything back or heard anything since.

Luckilly my insurance covered everything.

Now that I had a few hours to calm down I’m not even pissed about the car, although I’m still furious about the fucking scumbag who hit it. My mom backed up into a 98-99 Escort a few months back and left a minor scrape. The rear bumper was already cracked on the other side and the car was simply a P.O.S. Instead of being a scumbag and leaving the scene, she went door to door and found the owner. The owner priced out quotes of $1200-$1500 for damage. The whole car wasn’t worth $1500. Just another example of someone trying to do the right thing and another scumbag being a scumbag!

Still waiting to hear the conversation with the cops and what made them suck so hard…

I’ll shoot you a text or give you a call later this week. I’m trying not to think about this right now! Going to Sabres game tonight and am just trying to put this day behind me! Lol I’m 2-0 this season hopefully 3-0 after tonight!

W.Seneca PD came out real quick when i asked them politely to come file a report when my neighbor (who sat and waited with me) backed into my car. bummer about CPD not doing anything, did you ask them just to come file a report for ins, or put out the CSI team on the job?

i love it you get a hit and run in cheektowaga and me in south buffalo the guy knocks on my door :slight_smile:

Go Sabres! Fuck Hit and Run Scumbags!