Car crash - head count, check in

Once again, you’re an idiot. And if you really are older than me, then may God forgive your soul.

And calling you an idiot is not a random name. Look at all the stuff you talked about, that’s why you’re an idiot. You really are.

And I’m not happy that TWO people died. I’m happy the driver died but it was unfortunate that he had to take someone with him. If not, he probably could’ve killed a whole innocent family in the future.

E-thugging is saying that I’m going to kick your ass and threatening you online. That’s not what I’m doing.
I’m sorry but you’re not worth my time. You’ll pay for my gas? lol.

And I back down? I didn’t back down when 3 people came to my house in the middle of the night without me even knowing they wanted a fight. And to top it off, I was perfectly fine. 3 on 1 and I was still fine. They just embarrassed themselves.

Just stop talking before you embarrass yourself anymore. Seriously. What are you trying to prove here? That you’re some tough guy that can kick my ass? That’s good for you, you want a medal or something? A free SON membership? What do you want? You’re like the kid in high school that tries to bully people because he wants to be “cool” and wants attention.

Stop crying already.