Car crash - head count, check in

That was uncalled for. We are having a discussion regarding this whole matter and you start with the childish name calling.

Why don’t you leave? Trust me more people here are sick of you and your e-thug attitude than me giving my opinion. Fuck that why don’t you personally make me leave. Come over to my house and force me to leave. This is your last fucking warning, im getting really sick and tired of your bullshit attitude. Every fucking day you get worst. I don’t blame you, Theres only so much ass pounding you could have taken in high school before turning in to…Well you.

Get back to the topic and don’t ever insult somebody over their opinions. Two way street my friend. Your glad that they died? There is something wrong with you. We have no idea or proof that these kids were street racing. TODAY on my way to work I got passed by a minivan with at least 10 people in there. That car is a 7 seater so does that mean they should also die?

+1, Fagwall GTFO! Your a disgrace Mark, if you know it or not :wink:

Ali, that was uncalled for as well man.

lol at asspounding.

Look who’s talking. The E-thug himself. So what are you trying to prove by saying you’re sick of me and my attitude? Maybe you should look up the real definition of an E-thug. I called you an idiot and asked you to leave, I did not theaten you. YOU threatened me. So stop being a hypocrite and suck it up buddy.

And why would I waste my gas and time to go to your house to make you leave an internet forum thread? How would that even guarantee to make you leave? How stupid are you? Does that even make sense? How old are you dude?

Like I said, you missed the point once again. (With you getting passed by a minivan.)

How is it a last warning when you’ve never warned me before? Like I asked earlier, how stupid are you?

Also, what does asspoundings have to do with anything? Like I asked earlier, how old are you?

Thanks for coming out.


Alright, this is way out of hand now. This is stupid.
Everyone has their opinions. Bashing them, is sad. So I apologize for bashing all your opinions. I still stick to mine until the “cause” is announced.

And RR32GTR; you need to chill out bro. I think your more upset at Mark because he always has a valid point. If he does not, he is just fucking around.

Now close this shit up or put it in drama, because that is all this is.

Well, this got a little outta hand, ibtl

This is exactly what i was talking about. You are an E-thug. You just told me to get out and I told you to make me and you back off. Its fun talking big on the web but when you get confronted you sit DOWN AND SHUT UP. You are an E-thug. I had a small comment and you told me to Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of here. I’m not an e-thug all im saying is come over to my place, and if your cheap i will pay your gas, and make me leave.

Where did I threaten you? I just gave you a warning to stop this shit before SOMEONE gets pissed off and does something about it…AGAIN.

Your the idiot for thinking people like me are just gonna take your crap. To answer your question im old enough. probably older than you. What does age matter mark when your brain is the size and has the capacity of a diseased rat?

Why would you just call me random names and tell me to GTFO? Are you the son police? Do you think your the king here? Enough is enough. The ass pounding comment means that you probably got beat up a lot in grades KG-12 and there only a certain amount of beating a kid like you could take before snapping and thinking hes the incredible hulk or something.

And Cal, I know it was uncalled for but this guy has been a tumor on SON for a long time. No one wants to call them out and when they do he backs off and whines a lot.

He never has a valid point. His points are borrowed from others and he makes it seem like he knows what he is talking about. Why would he randomly call people idiots and them them to leave? He just said hes happy that people are dead. He’s what wrong with the world.

I agree that street racing(no proof that they were street racing) is bad but this guy is happy that 2 people are dead? Happy that they died for a lapse in their judgment. Fobwall made a bad mistake for calling me an idiot. Does that mean he deserves to be killed? No.

Once again, you’re an idiot. And if you really are older than me, then may God forgive your soul.

And calling you an idiot is not a random name. Look at all the stuff you talked about, that’s why you’re an idiot. You really are.

And I’m not happy that TWO people died. I’m happy the driver died but it was unfortunate that he had to take someone with him. If not, he probably could’ve killed a whole innocent family in the future.

E-thugging is saying that I’m going to kick your ass and threatening you online. That’s not what I’m doing.
I’m sorry but you’re not worth my time. You’ll pay for my gas? lol.

And I back down? I didn’t back down when 3 people came to my house in the middle of the night without me even knowing they wanted a fight. And to top it off, I was perfectly fine. 3 on 1 and I was still fine. They just embarrassed themselves.

Just stop talking before you embarrass yourself anymore. Seriously. What are you trying to prove here? That you’re some tough guy that can kick my ass? That’s good for you, you want a medal or something? A free SON membership? What do you want? You’re like the kid in high school that tries to bully people because he wants to be “cool” and wants attention.

Stop crying already.

3 on 1 you were fine? Any you kidding me. It was 1 on 1 and you were hiding behind that glass door. Who just embarrassed themselves there? And I remember how you were bullshitting to some guy on msn on how “you will only fight for your family” and “You could have kicked the guys ass and didnt”. Oh ya, I know my shit too. You were hiding behind that door like a little bitch.

Im in no way threatening you but im telling you if you want me to leave then make me. E-thugging is when you get up and tell people to get the fuck out or leave and when they ask you to make them you back off. I never said im going to kick your ass. I just said come to my place and and CONFRONT me if you have a problem with me.

Trust me im not in high school and I really dont mind that you consider me and e-thug or not considering i never made any threats towards you with any physical harm other than the open invitation i gave you to show up at my house. Cant you read you retarded, inbreed, end-result of an affair between a man and his mother, I never threatened you, Stop making it seem like i did.

I was hiding behind a door? If I was hiding, why would I go in, get changed, and come out?

How does that make sense?

Blah blah blah, stop crying dude. Try getting attention somewhere else.

EDIT: Anyways, I’m sorry if you can’t accept the fact that I didn’t get my ass kicked even when I was at home relaxing and not expecting/ready for a fight. But if it helps you sleep better by thinking that I got my ass kicked, sure why not.

And you didn’t say come and confront you. Seems more like you were implying for me to try and fight you. And your insults are pretty weak. I’m actually insulted that for someone who is supposed to be so smart, can’t come up with anything better. Go Google something and get back to me before this thread gets locked.

P.S. If you wanna call someone a retard, it’d help A LOT if you stopped acting like it yourself.

Thanks for coming out though.

wow such drama

If you believe everything you read in a newpaper, see on TV, OR HEAR A POLICE OFFICER SAY;

you are a moron


Your the one whos crying. Ya I forgot you “slayed” the people who came after you. You have been playing way Too much world of warcraft you nerd.


RR32…if I were you, I’d change my username on SON or just sign up for a new account.

And if I were you i would kill myself.

Did Fobwall kill himself finally? …no reply back?! lol…

now let’s talk about how much of a fag he was alive, and that we are ALL happy to have him literally gtfo of this world!! :smiley: Sarcasm

(Always sweet to get a taste of your own medecine Fobby)

I think you’re thinking of the Lewtz and mikey (brn2bskyline) beef. I recall mark’s house having a very regular door.