Car crash - head count, check in

Man, get frigen real. There close friends you think this was his first time going fast? You think the passenger which was like a brother didn’t know he was going to drive the car fast. Its a twin turbo 300zx, teenager, and some friends, as much as we hate this stereotype it often returns as positive one.

And to XSNRGE i think they knew, and had full knowledge of ethics and morality, when they entered the car. I don’t think i need to disclose my age, just because you feel insecure about yourself.

I think, honestly like Junior said, we need to wait and see what was the confirmed and proven reason for this detrimental, and tragic loss is.

I most likely will be going to the viewing and funeral tomorrow, so i hope to hear and inform you guys with any info i receive.

DJ, you’re obviously not mature or intelligent enough to know the difference between going fast and racing. Even a SON member saw him and another car racing. (AN MK4 Supra apparently)

The fact that you have a close friend or even FAMILY in your car should mean that you should drive carefully. I’m quite surprised because the dude was 21 too. So it’s really no excuse for his actions.

Adam is a murderer. He could have very well killed a whole family that day. Period.

He raced before you moron, who said he was racing when this accident occured?

Look in the other thread. Some dude saw him and another car flyby apparently. Could be a fake post but we don’t know for sure.

I don’t understand why people are defending him. Do you guys understand that he killed some1? someone that was Innocent? Like come on, sure he died at a young age, but so did his friend. Think of the parents? 2 parents lost their sons, one caused the accident the other didn’t. Now how would you feel if your son died because of somebody else’s actions.

wow this is still goin on !!

plain and simple play with fire , youre goinna get burnt !!!

end of story !!!


Quoted for truth. Exactly like my russian roulette example.

I really hope they find it wasnt street racing, so all the assholes on the forum shut up… let the police do there thing. What if the man was driving and something let loose on the car and caused the accident? there are SO many angles? what if he was cut off? drivers tire explodes and throws the car to the side? etc… so dont label the man… yet! People can say all they want and hype it up like the media does from the get go… it takes on moron to say ‘‘oh it might be street racing’’ and then it gets outta control.

Dont Ever believe what the cops say. This happened to me before and I swear if I had died then it would be me you guys would be talking about.

Me and my friend were riding in my old/my friends coupe. We just got it back from a shop and our friend who gave us a ride there was following us. Now I was driving it cause my friend was tired from work. All I remember was I got on the hwy and boom I woke up in the hospital. We got side swiped to hell by a guy driving a ford explorer and we spun and crashed into the right barriers, by that point i was knocked out. I woke up with 2 cops by my bed with my parents outside thinking im dead.

I’m looking at the cops and waiting to hear “your friend is ok and we got the bastard who hit you guys” but instead I heard “You are being charged with street racing, and wreck-less driving causing great harm”. PS. My friend(who gave us a ride) was in jail/holding cell.

This happened all because the ford driver said I was racing but there were like 10 other people who said the ford driver didn’t check his blind spot and change lanes right into me. So when cops here street racing they get a hard-on and for them its less paper work with bigger end results. Then only reason we got off was because my friend was video taping his car being driven back home on his cellphone(nokia n80 FTW). You should have seen the smirk smacked off the cops face.

EDIT: To, the people who say “KARMA” and “he got what he deserved”, Do you guys or your family members deserve to die because you once went 65 in a 60 zone?

I hope you guys threw a molitov cocktail at the guys house. I hate when people try to get out of an accident by blaming it on street racing


Heres the magic part. The guy had a record of accidents and DWI/DUI charges but the cops “saw no reason to” pursue that matter cause he didn’t look like he was under “any substance”. According to my friend, after he crashed into us, he tried to get away and when his car couldn’t move(the tires were off the car) he got out and started yelling at me and my friend who were unconscious in the mangled up 240. If that dosent scream sober i dont know what does.

^^ thats for that story!!.. i hope it opens some of your eyes to seeing anything could have happened.

Seriously. All you guys/girls bitching at me and every one else saying we are wrong; your insane.

All I have to say is let me take YOUR friends, or family for a ride in my 240. Im gonna jam in 5 people in my car. Drive like a fucking MORON and kill us all. Minus one person. Then not only is everyone else dead. The person that is still living has to cope with it for the rest of his/her life.

Seriously. No one HIT HIM! He/they did it them selves. Fuck them. I don’t care if your related or not. If one of you guys, or anyone for that matter was the driver or that car. Yea, I’d be really damn pissed at you. But, honestly. I would be fucking furious at my friend/family member that was stupid enough to get in the car with you.

As for the street racing or alcohol thing. It makes no damn difference. Stop focusing on pointless shit. Racing, driving intoxicated, stunt driving, being an idiot and driving like you should. Are ALL completely different things. You make the choice on how you drive every time you sit in your car.

Driving is a privilege not a right. In this case, so is life. They fucked up, they deserved it. All 3 of them are idiots. I do sincerely hope the girls ends up 100% okay. But Ill tell you, if I ever meet her. I’ll have some choice words.

Not stop bitching. Be realistic. Put yourself in that position.

Fuck that. Let me get in a car with any member of your family. Have him/her drive 120 on the dvp. Have a tire blow out or someone cut them off so they crash. Kill everyone in the car except one person And then everyone will make your family member look like a street racing junkie and see how you like it.

Look at my case for fuk sakes. They were willing to stick a kid with a street racing ticket while he was in the hospital. What if I would have died and there was no tape of the accident. Would you have called me a street racer?

i dont know how all of you are seriously thinkin this was a race… it happend on the dvp at eglinton midway during the rush hour… its almost as bad as driving on queen st behind 3 street cars.


We havent even gotten to the REAL issue with all this yet…

Whos got dibs on the 5 lug and brakes?

I was actually beginning to agree with what you’re saying…but you just had to ruin it with that last sentence didn’t you?

Hitting a guardrail at 100km/h won’t do that to you…he was excessively speeding and possibly racing (untill confirmed).

I think it’s already assumed that we all tend to speed. Whether its 120 - 130kmh on the highway or the usual 10 - 15kmh above while driving on the street. It won’t cause you to kill yourself if you hit something. (Unless it’s a head-on collision)

He deserved to die because he was doing something stupid.

  1. Allowing 2 passengers to sit on each other with NO seat belt in a 2 seater car.
  2. ^ Reading that should show you how “mature” and “responsible” the driver really was.

You’re an idiot and completely missing the point.

Please leave.

It obviously wasn’t rush hour if they were able to go fast enough to get thrown out of their car and even die while wearing a seatbelt (the driver).

Chris, I understand your anger and discontent on what happened…but bro, you can’t bash on a dead person. His time here is done, it’s not for us to think bashing him will solve anything. We gotta respect the fallen, your pissed of these usual growing and solidifying stereotypes plaguing our demographics and particularly our age groups.

At the end of the day, he’s someone’s son, a brother, nephew, most importantly a human being…we’re with flaw…to the other passenger that died as well same thing, innocent or not. More understandable if he was alive and we got the big picture of what happened, at least he’d be here to better keep that second chance from slipping away with telling him how it is out of care accordingly.