Car crash - head count, check in

How does one defend a street racer?

The fucker had no common sense, no judgement… 3 people in a 2-seater… Yet he still decided it would be cool to race. Of course the fucker deserved what he got. So-so about the passengers, they probably egged him on…

Seriously, its ok to rip your car like a madman on the 401 or 404/DVP or whatever highway you want. If you kill yourself, fine, not really a big deal, you’re an idiot anyway. But if you take the lives of innocent people, that’s when you draw the fucking line.

I hate how people say “oh, no one deserves X”. STFU AND GTFO!!!1! He has bad judgement, he never even had the right to own a car of that magnitude, why does he NOT deserve what he got? He endangered, and KILLED an innocent person.

When you grow up and understand, a family out there is in pain because their son died for something as little as pushing the gas pedal down further than it needed to go, yet it wasn’t even his fault technically, that he died, its the fucker in the driver’s seat…

Those kids should stick with their Acura EL’s and Del Slo’s Seriously.

Who are you to say who deserves which car? Other than that ye, like i said though they were so close i bet the passengers were egging him on. Also being 21 and 25 i would think the passengers would be aware of what was going on, and what the consequences would lead to.

Im just saying i dont think all the blame should be guided to him.

No they aren’t… Why do you think people ages 18-25 have high insurance rates? Because of this guy with the Z… There’s a ton of good 18-25 year old drivers, and there’s a bunch of bad ones that ruin it for everyone else…

And Randy, aren’t you like 15?

sorry about you freind dj-infiniti. everyone makes mistakes and this one cost him his life and another. a shame. however being the driver it is his fault. in the end the resposibility is his and his alone. i am not happy he is dead however. its just sad to here this. who knows what happened when he lost it.

oh and to all the people who say they have neve ripped a car on the road are LYING!!


u should never be happy somebody dies man… i know its stupid to pack ppl into a car without the right amount of seats… people do that all the time not just the driver, non the less a dumb thing to do… whatever, karma is a bitch and all that good stuff but never be happy that sombody has lost their life.

Its not an R34 it is a “Kit Car”…

on the real Farmer nice R34

240sx_nismo get up to date

He was deliberately racing and he killed an innocent guy. He’s a murderer.

If you weren’t there how can you pass judgement? Almost every time an accident like this happens people just point to street racing. Maybe that’s what was happening but it seems we don’t know at this point. All I read in this topic was that some officer “heard” street racing might have been involved. Officers love to throw street racing out there as reasons for accidents, especially if it’s a turbo car or another “tuner” style car.

Who knows what happened, but if he was racing it’s very unfortunate for everyone, especially the people that got killed/injured and everyone’s families. Driving with two other passengers in a two seater car was obviously a terrible move as well, regardless of whether racing was involved or not. But everyone here seems to be looking at this from one side… If a car has no more seats, should you try to fit yourself in as a passenger? No. It’s the driver’s fault and also the fault of the two passengers. Don’t put the blame only on the driver for being stupid – he wasn’t the only one. Don’t feel sorry for the passengers without feeling the same for the driver.

As far as I’m concerned, whenever things like this happen, if you weren’t there, you don’t know what happened and your judgements are invalid. If he was street racing, well, he was an idiot. Nonetheless no one deserves to die for being stupid like this.

i was actually talking to a close friend about this yesterday… he went to highschool with both dudes that died and he knew them well enough to say that they would be the last to go “steet racing” i dont think its fair that some of you feel like you knew what happend and what was goin on in the drivers head at the time. what if the white car cut him off hard and he swerved and lost control that way… most ppl on the dvp at that time are tired from work and sitting in traffic(specially at that exit) and if they seen two imports beside each other, could easily lead them to thinking they were racing. fact is none of us were there to witness the actuall accident in the proccess so none of your opinions really even matter.

and by the way, he didnt get what he deserved. no one deserves to die.

^^ i been watching the news, and the cops are saying they dont think the white car was involved and that it was beside it before red car lost control. Also the 300ZX could have been cut off as we all have happen to us. like if somebody was besides me in my blind spot and lost it i wouldnt have known… so everybody needs to chill… everyone knows how the media sees a sports car and says its street racing automatically until proved otherwise.

i hope that wasnt complicated to understand

Honestly guys, have some respect for EVERYONE that died…

that’s really bad karma and bad vibes your creating, cussing off someone who’s passed on, honestly you have no right especially now that he’s dead. What’s it to you now? most of you guys come off tough and trying to make justice out of this, when there’s a lot of shit you guys haven’t served justice for, it’s after we pass on we face it. God Knows what we all don’t know 100%

I can agree with a lot of the things that everyone has touched on, but honestly, everyone needs to chill. Shit happens, what do you gain from insulting/battering/past judging the deceased? Most of you that are telling others to grow up for making stupid comments, need to grow up themselves. Because either way, somebody LOST THEIR LIFE. Just respect them, even if you didn’t know them, or even if you did and didn’t like them, it’s still should be human nature to show some respect. I don’t wanna hear bullshit about how people aren’t like that, fuck OTHER PEOPLE, you should start the right trend now by acting mature and not like a tool.
And for you assclowns that are hiding behind the monitor saying shit about how they are dumbasses for this and that or w.e, honestly… just grow up and stop hopping on the bandwagon. If you’ve got nothing positive or even CONSTRUCTIVE to add to this convo, see yourself the fuck out. It gives a bad rep for the community that some have respect for, and it bothers me deeply when people say shit like this so easily when it’s nobody they knew. I never knew the people, but still, show a little compassion, being a bitch-ass just makes you look like a bitch.


Anyways, thank to this guy, my name managed to make its way into an article in the Toronto Star:

Look for my name! (Near the end of the article)

HAH! Mark, you’re the shit bro!

I didn’t make that picture btw. Found it on another site!

Alright, I was/am a little bit of a hard ass on that. Yet, just think of it. He lived from that. Being young and stupid (like half of us here) You’ll get that invincible feeling. It’ll happen again. What happens if next time he were to take more than one life. More than one car?

It can happen to anyone, I understand that. Yet, it all comes down to how you drive.

If it were to ever happen to me. I would seriously hope you guys talked shit about my stupidity so it would at least make some one double think their actions.

your a fucking moron go to hell buddy. you think just because he made a bad call having others in his car and “street racing” that he should loose his life. get real buddy your pethedic. its not only the driver’s fault. im not saying he was not a complete dumb ass for street racing with more ppl in his car then it could sit. but the passanger’s had a chance to enter the car or not. and in the end the blame can not just be put on one guy. SON get real and stop chewing this kid apart, is it not bad enough he lost his life at such a young age?. oh and for anybody that thinks i dont have a right to come in here and stick up for this kid because hes the reason insurance is so high, im only 18, driving with my own car, under my own insurance, so just like the rest im getting rapped up the ass. just my 0.002

Its not the car that caused the accident its how its driven or handled. It could have happened in a civic and really this board wouldnt care cause it would be the civic nations issue. Im not going to say its street racing till that is proved, he could have been just cut off and due to his lack of years driving freaked out and the end result happened. We need to get the media to stop refering every sports car crash as a result of street racing cause more than 90% of the time its not. With all the stats gathered since the law the ‘‘speeders’’ are mini vans, old buicks, and SUV, and $$$$ cars like G35… sport compacts are lil dime a dozen cars are not the ones to be mad at.

So you’re saying if someone decides to play russian roulette with a loaded gun and happens to kill himself, he doesn’t deserve to die?

And racing or not, to get someone to fly out of your windshield without hitting a wall head-on must have taken quite a bit of speed to do that. It’s not like he was going 100kmh and had to swerve to avoid someone as a sonling here stated. At 100kmh, that doesn’t happen.

Umm…and passengers were riding with him obviously because they trusted him. And look what he did.

If he had told them that he was going to go racing and crash the car, do you think the passengers would have gone with him?