Car crash - head count, check in

Aww the fighting is done… I WANT MY MONEY BACK lol

Sorry Junior but I realised too late that I was giving him too much attention. Had to take away the bottle from the baby.

lol… kool

you people digust me.
no wonder son has become the joke of a site it is.
2 people are fucking dead
and you have the balls to make “joke” modivational posters
and say they deserved it if they were racing
the circumstances of how or why the accident happened are irellevant
2 young people in our community are fucking dead.
mourn and state your condolences or get the fuck out

p.s… Fobwall, count your lucky fucking stars i dont personally know these people

fuck my head hurts from reading all this stupid shit, Son is so poser.

Ok guys and girls, I just came from a pub and meet some people that attendeded the funeral for the guy, the white car side swipe them off the road, That is why they crash!!! The girl is out of the hospital. You guys who saying he got what he deserve, because YOU THOUGHT HE WAS RACING, HOW DO YOU FEEL!!! I also read the story in the local papper, THEY WERE NOT STREET RACING!!!.

I am not sure but the none twin turbo 300zx and the twin turbozx have back seats?
at the shop I am working at now I am woring on a 300zx nonoe turbo and it has back seats like the 240sx.

You do not have to be driving fast to die in an accindent!!! I was almost kill in an accident once, I was in a Grand Pri and the driver ran the stop sign 3 house from my house, all I saw was a green car 2 feet from the passenger door where I was sitting, I was lucky I did not have on my seat belt at the time so I threw my self towards the driver, and all I heard was the lound smash and a burning feeling in my face. The inpact pin us between other car that was making a right turn. The air bag Fuck my face up.

Think about this, Da1 (elon) told me the other night a lady just side swipe him in his sister car and he had to chace her down and make her pull over, NOW if he was driving his 240 with the 2jz and the same thing happen to him and he losses control and crashes WHAT WOULD BE THE FIRST THING THE COPS SAY??? STREET RACING.

Fucking internet forums have degraded these kids into fucking brainless twitter heads who forget what respect is.

This forum has degenerated into the biggest bandwagon posing site that has ever existed…bar none.

Jesus…hardly anyone from back in 02 still post…I see why now.

Close this thread or move it. The dead deserve far more respect than this shit. Your “opinons” and judgements on who deserves to die and to be happy about someone dying?? WTF man.

Like I said before, condolences to the family and all involved. Losing people hurts. Perhaps when some of you pimple faced twitter fuck heads grow up and experience life beyond a forum, you’ll realize that most of the time, it doesn’t matter how or why anymore…all that matters is that they are gone and nothing an no one else will ever be able to fill the void that is left.

Where did respect go?

People need to actually read as well. If the driver was actually racing, then I’m happy his dead. It’s the same thing as playing with fire, I’ll laugh at you if you get burnt.

But if he really was not racing, then I’ll take back what I said as mentioned in one of my posts.

ronnie, I know what you’re trying to say about respecting the dead. But you still have to earn that respect and that’s reality. Look at David Carradine, look at Michael Jackson, they were pretty much being ridiculed after they died.

Farrah Faucette was respected because she had no skeletons in her closet.

If it is confirmed that this kid was not racing, then I’m really sorry.

And I was never happy that both of them died. I was not happy that the passenger died.

Threads like these make me wonder less why we get stereotyped as immature retards. Act mature for fuck’s sake, all of you. Stop trying to defend your point and getting all emotional & defensive doesn’t help. Both Fobwall and RR32GTRR have solid opinions, but neither of you know what happened, or have the right to make assumptions just to support your opinions and get into an internet battle over this…seriously…get a life.

Fobwall, I think you went too far this time, its all fun and jokes in the other threads I find it funny, but dude people died, don’t say you’re “happy about it”…you can say you’re happy he didn’t crash into other people, and caused only 1 fatality other than himself.

I’m glad you took your own advice and stopped responding. Otherwise I’d call you out for being a hypocrite and accusing Ahmed for not stfu. lol

By no means am I trying to fuel the fire. I’m just saying, guys stop acting like dicks, if you knew the people personally, you would be horrified right now regardless of whether or not it was the driver’s fault.

I remember when “Clutch” died, they made an R.I.P. banner and put it at the top of the site, that showed how SON was a community and all that, but now we’re talking about how glad we are that the driver died?!?!?!? WHAT THE FUCK!

Edit: I didn’t read your response since you posted it as I was typing this…so what I said above only applies to before your post Mark. lol