Car Deposit Refundable?

The expenses that they would deduct would only be valid from the day I notified them that I was no longer interested in the vehicle right?

The car is a brand new car so no safety required and doesn’t it have to be something that they can concretely prove?

Commission is hard to say unless they had a buyer come in that they could prove, because that’s all it comes down to proving expenses right?

I guess we’ll see what happens.

If they don’t comply, what type of “authority” does OMVIC have?

yeah Jowo is right… if you are not 100% sure, never do it. If anything, do a 24 hold deposit and no contract. At least then you are ok. OMVIC acts more of a mediator. They are one of the places that uphold the rules and make sure that dealers follow them. If the bill of sale is ok based on that link i gave, there isnt much they can do but they do try to work out a solution with the dealer and customer.

I think for now you just have to wait and see.

I was an automotive sales executive for 6 years and a sales manager for 4 years. When you sign a Bill of sale and you put money down you have signed a legal binding contract binding you to the vehicle. There is no way out of the deal at that point unless you don’t get approved for the financing etc.

However in your case you have an advertisement from the same dealership selling the car $1000.00 less then what they quoted you when you walked in. If this advertisement came out before the day you walked in then you have a case, but if it came out after then you don’t but you said you saw it shortly after therefore you are safe.

They missrepresented and that is good enough reason for you to back out of the deal, you caught them trying to rip you off. However they can still hold you to this deal regardless of the missrepresentation on their behalf only if they choose to reduce the price of the vehicle to the price on the advertisement.

Call Warren Barnard or Jim Hamilton at the UCDA Legal Department if you have any questions. (416) 231-2600 or 1 (800) 268-2598

OMVIC will help you out you just got to go through their whole process OMVIC 416-226-4500

no doubt, honour the lower advertised price…happy compromise?

I know the paper work!! and how its all handled… you cant force somebody to buy a car. IF the buyer changes there mind, they’re can get there money back… I have done it three due to lost of job, the other simply cant handle the payments, and the last time the person wasnt ready for responisibilty! I have refunded the deposit and voided the sale. It is not hard to do… the dealer is just being a douche!! Sorry if I sound harsh i dont mean too, its bothers me that people are trying to screw him over something so simple!

There was one time i kept a deposit… a lady wanted a used car… i got the car fixed up, new parts and all from ford dealer, cert and etested… her dad came in and was like he dont want is daughter in a Ford. I said okay, phoned the insurance to take it off the car, did the paper to transfer name back to dealer! I kept it for extremely last minute notice on day she was going to pick it up, and her dad being a dick.

oh wow what a bunch of losers.

I signed a bill of sale for a lancer and all I said was I can’t afford the payments or the insurance and they said no problem and gave me back my money

There is always a way out of a contract and can be broken anytime.

Also, the contract I signed also specifically stated right on the back “Failure to Pay”, expenses would be taken from my deposit and that’s it.

No one can force someone to buy a car, there is no Legal way to do so. It just wouldn’t make sense. They can’t force me to take out 20Gs from my account and hand it to them. That’s what a deposit is for. To keep it if I back out or to reduce the amount they give back if I do infact back out.

Just like any deposit in this world, it’s to put down and keep if a buyer backs out of a deal.

IMO, whatever else you do, you should make sure to post this on every forum, board, social network or any other method that people have for communicating with others, and absolutely trash their reputation. When someone proves themselves to be scum, everyone should know it.

^^ Definitely!

That’s right they can not make you buy the car but they can keep your deposit.

But why even give them that?.. It’s money you worked hard for why should you let them get away with your deposit? Besides they misrepresented, they tryed to lie to you and make extra money from you. If I were you I would fight for every cent why should you let some dickhead sales manager make a decision on your money?

I’m just so against things like this because when I was a sales manager I always found a way to work out problems, I didn’t like trying to force people into buy a car or give away their deposits. There is always a way to work out problems.

What would make you still buy this car from there?
If they honered the sale price advertised would you still buy it?

Not after this whole ordeal and them being dickheads to me and threatening to take me to small claims court to FORCE me to buy the car.

That’s pretty ridiculous, shows how desperate and low they have to go to do that.

if people have lost their job or could not pay, the deal was not or would not be approved due to financing… that is a reason to cancel, if you let someone cancel a deal because their dad did not want to be in a ford, good job… but you could have held them too it because the bottom line is it is still legally binding… its dealers choice… if your dealer did that, thats fine… but as i posted in the link, they dont have too.

Keep in mind this is one mans decision, not the dealership it self. Just because the sales person is a loser and the sales manager is a dickhead it shouldn’t prevent you from getting a good deal. If they honour the advertised price and you really like the car and you can’t find that car for a better deal anywhere else then why not buy it.
The only thing I would demand for the trouble they put you through is for them to fix anything that doesn’t work, fix any scuffs or damages on the body and do the next big service at no charge when the time comes.
If the car is perfect then demand new tires, rotors and pads. Most dealership will not change those things if they pass safety. The tires, rotors and pads might pass safety now but barely, meaning in 2 month’s you might have to replace those things, so why not get new ones put on, that way you know you will not have any major expenses any time soon.
That’s my 2 cents.

So essentially trying to save $1000 has now cost you $1000? Or sorry…could cost you another $1000.

This is why I’d never put down a full force deposit until I’m 100% sure I’m buying the vehicle.

We are not talking about $5000 cars here peasant! :wink:

Lmao, shutup Tom.

I understand that, but I mean now with the entire hassle you haven’t saved anything. Putting Samson aside, what if this was someone who needed the car within weeks of ordering it? For example…my brother just purchased a brand new 2010 Mazda 3. Fully loaded white on black, pretty sick. It took them over 2 months to get him the vehicle, when there were about 2000 of them ready to be picked up. All with the same package he ordered. Why he didn’t get any of the ones already made? Who knows…

It ended up costing him another $1600 on top of the new purchase because his previous Mazda 3 was on lease and the KM went over. He specifically mentioned when he needed the vehicle by and why. Everything was agree’d upon and he wasn’t going to pay a cent more for his previous vehicle. After being fucked around with for over a month the dealership refused to compensate his overage. After going through court assessment they still didn’t. He now has his 2010 Mazda 3, but the hassle he had to go through during the process was not worth the money.

So in essence, because of the time loss, he’s spent much more than the vehicle is worth. This is in semi reference to Samsons issue. I was merely mocking the dealerships proposal as they’ve advertised the car for $1000 less and than will basically be screwing Samson over for $1000 more…

So in conclusion, the amount of time wasted COULD cost someone even more than the amount someone wanted to save.

when you go to court if they really try too, just say
“from the time i turned the deal away till now the car could have been sold to another person and they would have earn their profit. Instead they trying to force something on me I dont want or need due to the misleading ad they had published” … as per a General Manager i talked to today about your situation!

Try going over the sales managers head and write a letter to owner of the dealership. Might be worth a shot.
