Car Deposit Refundable?

contact the ministry of consumer services not omvic

I googled them and it said they don’t do cars?

How about the BBB (Better Business Bureau), what do they do?

You are legally bound to that car once you sign the paperwork and give a deposit. The dealership, if they are pricks, can take you to court for damages, ie. cost of advertising, etc. and the judge will force you to pay (subtracting it from the deposit you gave)!! The thing is, who is going to go to all that trouble? Going to court costs time and money, keep pushing them and they will give the deposit back as it is easier to do that then go to court. There is no “cooling off period” when it comes to cars, moral of the story, don’t sign unless you are 100% sure!! I have my dealers license, so I deal with this stuff all the time!!

^^ So your saying once you sign a contract, you have to buy the car?

I highly doubt that, as OMVIC and other sources have said that you can get your deposit back MINUS any expenses incurred. It even says on the back of the contract itself.

Failure of Delivery or Pay is the section it is under on the back of the contract itself.

same dealership had the ad for the same car less $1000?

as your car/dealership?

all oakville nissan?

because that is just dirty… but meh, capitolism forks you!

Just called the GM to see if he knows about the issue and they seem to still stand by me taking delivery of the vehicle.

OMVIC has said I most likely would receive at least partial depost back, but no need to buy the car.

I guess the waiting game begins.

ok so i see that everyone is saying call the better business bureau and everything but the reality is that you are bound to the deal. You signed a legally binding contract and left a deposit on the vehicle. Contrary to popular belief, there is no “cooling off” period on a contract. You can get out if they cant get you the vehicle that you purchased (out of stock and cant order, etc.) or if you dont get approved at the rate that they quoted you (due to bad credit). The dealer can let you out if they want too but they are not obligated too. Good luck

this is false, that is the dealers choice. If the contract is signed, it is binding between two parties.

oh and in terms of insurance being too high and writing that letter, that only works if there is a clause on the bill of sale that says pending approval from insurance

Well then I guess I work for a dealer who’s out for the customer and not all about the dollar then.

you dont know what you are taking about!! both your post are false!! all the first contract does is hold a car of your choice and options if you decide to go through with the sale!! i was a salesman, i know all the rules and regs! he can get 100% back from dealer!!

the OMVIC agent we spoke with said they will be dealing with the dealership as we have escalated the situation.

So are you saying OMVIC is telling us false information that we HAVE to buy the car?

I don’t see how a dealership can FORCE someone to write a cheque for 20gs to buy a vehicle.

All I see is them keeping the deposit AT MOST.

^Dude that has to be illegal, no one can force somebody or blackmail somebody into paying 20Gs that’s nuts… worse case scenario get a lawyer and kick some ass… and ask for damages, prosper, LOL

what does the fine print on ur paper work say ??? if it states ur entering into a legal contract, then ur buying a car. But whatever the paperwork states and you signed it , you have to abide by it bottom line


lol… because it’s absolutely impossible for him to be a salesman as well

so naturally, he MUST not know what he’s talking about…


lol ok dude relax, im just trying to help out and educate here since i actually work in the business. I took the courses and I have to know this since i work in it. The first contract is not to hold the car lol… it is a bill of sale. The final paperwork that you do is the bank contracts with the bank. The bill of sale is a contract between the dealer and the individual buying the car. And yes it is legally binding to the purchase. Now if someone wants to break the contract, the dealer can let them out (as in the case of Jowo and your dealership) but does not have too. If you want out, they wont necessarily make you take the car but can keep your deposit.

have a look at that… deposit is returned if there is no bill of sale which you signed

read page 6 where is says sales final unless the dealer has not done the proper thing on the bill of sale which is listed on page 2. That is the Used Car dealer Association booklet.

Exactly, but there is nothing holding me that I HAVE TO BUY the car.

Worst case is they keep my deposit and that is that.

On the back of the contract, Failure to pay section 10 of the contract, at most they take away “expenses/liquidating fee” from my deposit and that’s the most that can happen.

Am I right on this polishprince?

exactly, its not worth a dealers time to force you into a car. Keeping your deposit yeah but not force you into a car. In terms of OMVIC, they are a council which tries to act as a mediator between people and dealers in a dispute. However, if you signed a bill of sale, just like when you a sign a contract for a mortgage, a job contract, etc. It is still a contract and money changed hands which binds it as well.

yeah absolutely. Its right there on the back. Expenses could be salesperson commision, cost to safety car, fee because holding the car could have kept it from being sold to another buyer, etc.

oh and nitescream, i think what you are thinking of is a deposit to hold the car… that is 100% refundable as listed on the ucda post that i put… or you can make a bill of sale up and put under the conditions or clause - held till monday, pending checking insurance till x date, pending spousal viewing of car and giving final approval, etc. Then if one of those clauses is not met, you get deposit back.


Samson, never put a deposit on a car untill you are 100% sure. Anytime in the past I’ve boughten/considered buying a car from a dealer I’ve always made the deal “pending” and I’ve never once had to put down money to hold a car. And I’ve bought alot of cars.