Car Spotted Thread

I came behind 2 s13 hatch’s on DVP onramp. champagne with a black hatch and hood, other one was white.

if the black hood and hatch one had mad stickers all over it then it was the chicken

That would be Kelvin (flyingchicken) and Will (WillX i believe)

Saw a R32 GT-R at Middlefield Rd and Steels intersection in Markham. I was in the red 240 hatch. Holler if you are on here!

Saw a black s14, with an asian dude driving it getting on the 403 near by erin mills


nice coupe btw.

i saw some kid in a white S13 240 with stickers all over the window behind the driver seat, so many that i couldnt even distinguish them

is it anyone on the forums? i thought i was jessie till i saw the non-pink rims

last night on the 401 west collectors, just before the don valley parkway i seen a 240 hatch white with a passenger light blown.

Saw a black S14 going down Broadway in Orangeville today.

Saw a single 7-spoke ripping it on the 407 today near the 403 exit.

Looked mint. Anyone’s on here?

I keep seeing a red S13 (chuki) hatchback that’s parked on High Park Av. & Anette Av. all the time. It has a huge sticker across the windshield that says “240sx”, LOL

Anyone here?

Today at 5:30 ish, saw a white pignose coupe, white mesh rims with polished lip. Had a Maxim Sticker on the windshield…

Westbound on Hwy 7 at Commerece Valley East.

thats moi. soon to be a white s13 hatch silvia front end and no skyline tails

saw a ton of 240’s at cscs quilifying. who knew

I keep seeing this car everywhere. But have yet see or talk to the driver… I cannot be the only person on this forum that sees this car almost every day.

I see it also from time to time. Haven’t in a while though. Definetely could handle and accelerate well.

white rhd sileighty, me and kalvin saw it this morning. dealer plates? anyone

yeah, that was me. i was waving at you too dude. hahah


zenki s13 parked at dudley and elgin everyday red.

black s14 in kitchener parked at a house on a side street in between weber and king

also drove by a red piggy at some dealership in kitchener today on the way to work