Car vibrates

Around 55 60 my car (85 monte carlo) vibrates and shakes bad. I know it’s not out of alignment because I had it realigned. The tires are all in balance. I’m thinking it’s the right rear bearing. I had the car on jack stand and put it in drive, you can see that the right rear tire is out of wack. It don’t come remotely clost to spinnign straight. The problem has gotten progressivly worse as I’ve driven the car the past few days. How challenging is it to change these bearings, or has anyone elsa have any other ideas as to what could be causing this.

Are you sure the lug nuts are tight? How do you know the tires are in balance? Then the wheel bearing after that, or your drum is waaaay far out of whack…but that is highly unlikely.

is the tire wobbling as if there is something behind one of the lugs on the wheel, or is it just one small spot that seams to be out of round ?

while a rear bearing COULD be bad, on a rwd car it usually wouldn’t cause something like this, because the axle on that side goes all the way to the center. so the tire isn’t going to flop back and forth much compared to what you would see on one of the cars front wheels

if the tire has gone to shit (shifted belt) the treads will wobble, but the wheel will spin true

what hotrodkid said probably a shifted belt in the tire or bent rim. i got nothing to do where do you live i’ll take a look

car sit on its tires for long periods of time. possible flat spot. run your hands over all the tires.

My first thought was the tire was shot. I took it to where i used to work. My old boss was cool as shit and let me pull it off the rim check it out, remount and balance it. I bought teh tires 2 days before I put the car in for storage last year. So they are like brand new. Everythign looked good. I then switched teh tires on teh back of the car. The tire that was wobbling was now spinning straight on the other side of the car, but the new tire was acting up. The entire brake assembly is new as of janruary this past winter. So I’m going to pull the axle out tomorrow. I don’t know what elsa it could be, it’s gotta be a bearing.

to double check u have to look at the tire while its on the balancer. SEE IF ITS WOBBLING(opps caps)

bent hub would cause the symptoms your describing but not a bearing.

You hit it on teh head my friend. Thats what it was, she was bent a little. I have no idea how or why. But thats what was causign teh car to shake badly