Car weight limits . . .

Mazda MX-5 has a weight capacity of 340 lbs.

“At 265 pounds, Ron Larson of Henderson, Nev., says he and his 150-pound wife were unaware of the limitations two years ago when they leased a Cadillac XLR two-seater with a 362-pound capacity.”

Intersting . . .

IB4Newman makes a no fat girl comment.

haha, no fat chicks!

i understand the weight “limit” as the handling can be effected greatly by adding say ~ 600lbs to an s2k

150 aint…tooooo bad. Depends how the girl wears it.

interesting :tup:

I’ll say it, though. If more people in America weren’t fat pieces of shit, this might not be as big an issue as it might be if it really blows up.


How do i find the weight limit of a accord? I never really noticed a difference with 5 people in my car vs 2… Madd torqqq?

Shit, just a former roommate of mine almost exceeded the weight limit of the S2000. That poor car…

I guess this is going to cut down on my chances for ride-alongs at autocross events.

On a serious note, the same thing happened last year when the coast guard starting looking into that old people tour boat the capsized. Turns out the coast guard certification considers an adult to be 140lbs. So even though they had less than the number of people the boat was certified for, they were still very overloaded since the average was over 140lbs per person.

362 seems a little rediculous for a car though. A 6 foot guy can go 220 and be in good shape, leaving only 142lbs for a passenger and luggage. Seems like there should be a little more margin for safety built in there.


Shit, just a former roommate of mine almost exceeded the weight limit of the S2000. That poor car…


why do u think howie went on his diet…


WHERE do i find the limit on a 97 impreza brighton. lol.



WHERE do i find the limit on a 97 impreza brighton. lol.


Door jam?

Hmm that guy is in Henderson NV which is where I live. I should find him and see how his wife looks at 150lbs. If she’s busted I’ll tell him problem solved… ditch the wife.

its not that hard to be under a weight limit if your not a fatass

400lbs for the S2000 isn’t much, especially if you consider you can easily put 50-100lbs of shit in the trunk if you’re going away for a day or two.

Score… 850lbs…

I think my buick takes the cake aside from trucks on here.

1350 lbs. w00t

My Polaris Ranger can take 1250lbs.
That is pretty funny that a Caddy can only hold 362#.
A lot of ladders are only rated at 200-250lbs.
Me and a tool belt weigh more than that.

wonder what the weight limit of a k car is lol. ive had 1500 lbs of people and junk in a stock tbi 2.5L aries. other than the ultra slowness and the ghetto rear droop, it was fine lol.


Miatas are for beach babes and not beached whales


150 aint…tooooo bad. Depends how the girl wears it.


unless of course she 4 foot 11