Carbon Fiber Frenzy

I am trying to find out where i can go to get a All Carbon Fiber Hatch made for the 94-99celica hatchback.
There Cianci Perfomance currently makes a hatch like this for the supra, and we are trying to work through them to get this done, but it would be better if we knew of another company to compare price and quality to insure a deal.

also, if any of you know how to go about getting a replacement glass for the hatch made in a Polycarbonate(preferrable GE’s Lexan) information on that would be greatly appreciated too.


those are just a few

ThX Mang…ImportFan is down right now
but i really didn’t think to try and set up a GB through vis(which i have one going w/ already)…
ThX, again

I have a friend at ABS dynamics Ill call him.check the website

ok, thx for calling.
um, if needed i can call tomorrow

i called a few places today, and 1 of them is calling me back tomorrow…thanks again for your help guys

try a company called… CARBON BY DESIGN also…

Theres a guy with a newer prelude. Its white with like a tear blue pearl. His whole interior is almost all carbon fiber. His sub-sobx, headliner. etc. etc. He was down the strip a few times. I wish, I would have got his buisness card now that I think about it, because i have no fucking clue who he is. :bash:

remind me of this place:
they have complete CF interiors…

I’ll try carbon by design as well…
got another question though, some of these companies are asking me to name a price, and i think i am going to high cuz each place has said “oh, sure we can do that” like without any hesitation.

I am saying $600shipped which seems like a good price, even though most co’s make a fiberglass mold then wrap in CF. What do you think i should go for?
and have you heard anything bad about:
ViS Racing,
Import Fan,
Exteme Dimensions,
then im guessing ABS is good, or else your friend wouldn’t work there :stuck_out_tongue:

Extreme dimensions suck… and i heard some of VIS stuff doesn’t line up good…

well I know I can get a trunk lid in CF for bout 489 shipped for a cavalier… i would say around 600 is good…

well, in two weeks i should have an idea about ViS’s quality, me and about 19others had them made a C-One replica CF Hood, so if that goes well, maybe we’ll go with them.
otherwise, ImportFan, ABS, or Carbon by Design it looks like
JSP didn’t call me back today, so yea…ill just wait till they’re about to close 2morrow to see if he calls, if not, then yea…o-well

i was readin the whole post about this on, sounds like he’s jus tryin to rip u off sayin it wont line up, he cant do the insert shit and all that, good luck though…

yea, we chose to go w/ ViS
Supprised you read that, it’s like 9 pages now :stuck_out_tongue:

if ViS doesn’t work we’ll go to Import Fan most likely.

we are just waiting to recieve the hoods ViS just made for our GB(on their main page(or at least was))

ViS is supposed to be really good there making a trunk for my car

yea i heard about the hoods i rob (robwoz on 6gc) has been tellin me bout em and told me last night that they were finally on their way or sumthin like that.

lol, Rob is getting his hood shipped to my house.

didn’t know he was on here.

i dont think i’ve even met him yet, but we decided to save on shipping and combine to my house. guy’s hard as hell to get ahold of

nah he aint on here hes best friends with my bro so hes always over here, and i work with him, and stuff

and yeah he told me about the hood and all, he’s always talkin bout it, he cant wait for that thing to get here

well he only has to wait 2 weeks now…he send his money order, and i sent mine a week ago :stuck_out_tongue:

only bad thing is it isn’t really custom anymore because ViS is continuing production of it…definately the most expensive hood though



what color probe do you have, and is there anything that would make it stand out to where i can tell it’s you’re from someone elses