Carlisle 09

the semi incident was between rich and bryan.

I know how to effectively and safely roll race. :bloated:

don’t shit up this thread with stupid statements and assumptions.

Me and spec were a mile ahead of everyone and did a little 50-100 pull. It didn’t slow up anyone or put anyone but ourselves in danger.

Then everyone thought it would be a good idea for EVERYONE to race each other. I shouldn’t have under estimated the amount of stupidity of others that we were with. This was when a certain few thought it would be cool to do a 20 mph roll.

PS- the truck didn’t almost kill anyone. it didn’t even hit anyone. it narrowly missed you and alan in the sti. don’t make it sound like its more important and bigger than it was.

:lol: the Williamsville fail crew fucking up roll racing.

thank you sir!

Ugh. I think am going to help viper996 put together an invite only cruise.

Good call, Id keep it small too, i think there is gonna be like 6 cars max in our group.

I don’t mind a slightly larger group so long as it’s not a bunch of retards. Our 06 cruise was probably 20 strong and it wasn’t bad at all.

Truth, well we’ll see how it goes, sounds like privately organized cruise is the only way to go.

A friend of mine here is hoping to make it down with his rx7, hes currently putting an LS2 in it

That would be nice. It would be even nicer if you invited me.

Roll racing?!

They fucked up the entire cruise. It took us probably somewhere around 6.5 hours. Not to mention, the first kid leading the pack got off at Batavia, 15 minutes into the cruise.


what the fuck is going on in this thread?

Similar antics, as to what will most likely be the cruise down if we dont break off and go with people that dont suck. :roflpicard:

Put me on the invite list. :slight_smile:

that will guarantee everyone gets arrested.

Quite the fuster-cluck this thread turned into.

Haha, if you have an inch of responsibility and personal accountability, you really should.

Last year was bit of a clusterfuck but ahh well, im young and stupid. I have no problem being in with the rest of the dummies.

The cruise home last year was awesome wasn’t it? Peaceful and beautiful, made good time. Sucks you couldn’t take pics but it was still great.


UGH. I’m too old to get speeding tickets… If you’re going to be driving fast, you’re not rolling with me.