
:tantrum: cry me a river.

I might try to make it down this year, it’s always been a good time…I’ll be in NC the weekend before though so we’ll see how my wallet feels around that time.

no end this thread. It is a bunch of noobs whining about who can drive to a shitty car show and who can’t. Carlisle is :gay2: Lafengas didn’t win his class under a ricer with a wing. We spent most of the earlier part of the day laughing at people, then the rest drinking. That can be done in buffalo, even just by reading this shitty thread.

I’d rather punch myself in the face than go to this show

its all good man, opinions are welcome.

werd. What if I join your cruise and just start cutting people off creating a large cluster fuck getting people lost and aggravated. Creating a road block in the middle of your cruise would be entertaining to say the least.

^^only if u got 5 popped collars on 5 pink polos simultaneously

That wouldn’t work because:

  1. I 've never popped my collar EVER
  2. I dont own more than 3 polos

Edit: shit I just check my closet, I have like 8 and they’re all pink. :tdown: to me

why not… you got the hair cut… might as well go full douche :slight_smile:

yea rob, seperate is a lot easier, is hard enough waiting for our group to get gas and wait for pete to shit…

nah. I’ll leave the douching up to you.:stuck_out_tongue:


Sadly enough i need to get outta here for a weekend so im 80% in for going to carlsile. Krazy K is gonna try to bring his truck./ i hear they have a real gay no drinking rule? whats up with that

They have had that for a while now. when we went down for the pavillion we just got some bigg ass pepsi cups and poured our beer in those.

Rob if that is true? my do you need to spend 1500$ to gain 5hp and loose like 10torgue?

and still loose to shitty euros :]

aww you are soo sweet

kiss for Dan

aww you and dan are so cute :wink:

he drives a shotty auto corolla what do you expect?

hey watch it yo. gotta represent bkc 4life. so don’t hate.

wtf is a bkc?

and “shotty auto corolla”? just say shitty man.

im happy with my car and the mods ive done to it. just trying to make it drive and look how i want to. if thats a problem then fuck off.