Carry on Campus: Where do you stand?

what about in your own house? washington DC doesn’t allow that and in jersey you can’t even possess hollow points in your home. legislation gone a little to far from thinking like that

I hope you’re not suggesting everyone who want’s to carry a handgun walk around with guns strapped on their hips

First let’s debunk this hunting license myth. No training is required to buy a hunting license in PA. Go to Wal-Mart and buy one if you don’t believe me, be warned, they now ask for your SSN. If you are a minor, you must take the safety course to get a junior license, and can only hunt with an adult.

Now onto what some of us “think” about training. I agree that it would be better if everyone had training. Now look at the process for adopting a child…pretty stringent. No process at all to pro-create on your own. Double standard? Maybe we should regulate every man’s nutsack and every woman’s vagine because we all know that unchecked reproduction causes serious problems in a lot of places.

VT has no requirement for concealed carry, anyone may do it at anytime.

Alaska only requires that you have a valid driver’s license. I don’t know about you, but I haven’t heard of any crime rampages in either of those states because of all the crazies carrying guns who flew off the handle when somebody hit on their significant other at a party.

It’s important to take note of the truth, rather than just perpetuating concepts that have no basis in reality.


I’m not reading all 12 pages, but PA defines only Elementary and Secondary educational institutions as off limits for carry, they also define Secondary education as High School. It is up to the College or University as to whether you can carry or not, not the state.

First let’s debunk this hunting license myth. No training is required to buy a hunting license in PA. Go to Wal-Mart and buy one if you don’t believe me, be warned, they now ask for your SSN. If you are a minor, you must take the safety course to get a junior license, and can only hunt with an adult.

You’re wrong mang. The law actually mandates that any new hunter must pass a valid hunter safety course before they’re given a hunting license. Once you have your first license, you don’t need to retake the course. When passed, the law had a grandfather clause that also allowed all persons with existing, valid licenses to not have to take the training.

Stores are supposed to ask you for either an old license or proof of safety course completion; they usually don’t though. This isn’t because they aren’t mandated by law, it’s because they just don’t care and no one has ever come down on them for not checking.

Wow, my mistake. I didn’t take in an old one the last time I bought one, so I didn’t realize such a law was on the books.

Thanks for pointing that out, mang…hehe.

You came into this late, but part of the issue is how places that receive public funds can try to make such rules.

In Utah, currently it’s not up the school, the supreme court overruled them and said they could not prohibit carrying and students are currently permitted to carry on campus in Utah.

The last 5 years or so all I had to do was give them my drivers license at Walmart… didn’t even ask me for a previous license or hunters safety course. No questions asked… and the SSN is optional I believe… they WANT you to give it to them, but cannot make you.

Jon I see your point. If the school is a state funded public school then the state laws should apply when dealing with the issue of weapons.

It reminds me of the off duty oficer in salt lake city carrying illegally that stopped the mall massacre not too long ago. How far would campus shooters get if there are trained students around.

I agree that students would need to prove their compentency with a firearm before being allowed and not just those NRA safety courses. Maybe multiple self defense weapons classes and an accuracy test as well.

The last 5 years or so all I had to do was give them my drivers license at Walmart… didn’t even ask me for a previous license or hunters safety course. No questions asked… and the SSN is optional I believe… they WANT you to give it to them, but cannot make you.

They’re required to have you present either a previous license or proof of completion of a hunter safety course- but like I said, they usually don’t (because no one’s ever gotten in trouble for it).

Straight from the Game Commission:

“To qualify for a resident license, applicants must be domiciled in Pennsylvania at least 30 consecutive days prior to application and produce positive proof of residency. A valid Pennsylvania motor vehicle drivers license is the most acceptable form of identification certifying residency. If the applicant has not held a prior license, he or she must successfully complete a Hunter-Trapper Education Course. First-time license buyers must produce a valid Hunter-Trapper Education Card.

But I didnt pass a federal backrounf check to get my pa drivers licenses.

No myth, only law, but then that has already been pointed out. Also try to buy a hunting license in any state but ours, without your safety course paper you anit getting one, even the old hunting licenses does you no good.

You cant really count on what Wal*Mart does as being the law.

very true about the background check!!!

thanks for posting the link to the gaming commission… i wanted to make people take note of truth so they don’t misconcept reality :wink:

I work on a college campus and I would feel more comfortable in a “gun free zone”. :slight_smile: /2 cents

oh shit. that’s why we can’t make any progress. thanks :doh:

Do you mean a totally gun free zone, like an airport is with metal detectors and such? Do you feel comfortable on a campus where they tell people not to bring them, but offer no guarantees to anyone? Thus people who obey the law leave their guns at home, and the nut jobs plot their GTA like rampage, and go nuts on campus. Does the 2nd scenario offer any real peace of mind?

People who buy guns legally, and pay for concealed carry permits are not doing so in order to commit a crime. These people are not in any way part of the problem with crime. In fact armed citizens are a great deterrent to crimes of all kinds.