Cars you think will be canceled in the next 2 years.

I could see the XLR getting the axe. Maybe the STS-V. I doubt the CTS-V is going away in 2 years. But you never know.

I thought that I read the XLR is done on autoblog recently.

Pretty sure I read that as well

but what will mary kay sales bitches drive?! :frowning:

G8, XLR.

I hate that G8’s aren’t selling well. They’re fucking great cars.

XLR is dead already innit?


I don’t think the v8 stang will disappear. Maybe from ford itself, but the altered/tuned versions from others will probably still be available. Roush/Shelby etc…

If there are little MPD’s in actual production let’s hope they get canceled.

XLR and G8 for sure

possibly mustang too since they have the new eco-boost engine line. Could also see the RX8 and the nissan getting the axe

I honestly don’t think the new camaro is going anywhere… too much $$$ tied up in it to just cut and run. With that said, I really cant see them only making 6 bangers

Don’t hold your breath waiting for it. Odds are good you’ll still be able to buy a V8 Mustang from Ford in 2011.

same here. Hell, was telling a few of my buddies about the car yesterday and they had no idea what it was, nor what was under the hood. Granted their not huge car buffs or anything, but it shows that they aren’t really doing much to market it

the GXP just came out this last week. The dealers that have them are doing 10k markups. They should be the first to go when GM looks to axe some of the overlapping dealers. :picard: :picard: :picard:

it’s a marketing :fail: with the G8.

they need some commercials showing the G8 in a 3 way race with a BMW 7, Audi A8, and a S Class and end it with the G8 winning and the price of all three showing.

Leave the STi, 370z, Evo, Mustang, and Mopars alone, the rest can all go fuck themselves for all I care hahaha

Thanks for the useful insight

who knows… with obamas new emissions deal, most of them might end up hitting the chopping block

so banish GM is the lesson to be learned here?

the gto

oops! already happened

lol, nice Mike