case solved!

That is a nice manifold. Given the constraints in which it has to fit that is properly engineered. Time will tell how long it holds up but I for one have good faith in it so long as it is braced in 3 spots

Final welding has been done by LOWLYOILBURNER. TIG welded and backpurged. It came out fucking awesome.

Matt is after all, the man.

pics of the final welding?

I don’t have any… it’s actually at my work, i still have to machine it flat… one these days i will.

problem solved :tup:


i forgot i had my stock cast manifold still around. offered to give it to him for free and he took it lol. the stocker probably performs better than that manifold anyway

Getting the other manifold back?

nope, told him i didnt want it. he can do whatever with it

good deal

Good move.

Since we are on this topic, Does anyone have pics of actual tube cracking? Ive seen where things crack at the welds. just never the tube itself.

I think Donovan can chime in on that one, his manifold actually tore the metal. As for pictures probably not as it was repaired then he put it back on.

I know EvilJays old delsol had the same problem it actually tore the metal like paper.

I know there is someone else this happened too and it’s on the tip of my tongue but i can’t think of it for the life of me.

16g 304 will either crack at a weld seam or in cases like most ss auto crime, OBX, and other cheap products if the weld has been repaired properly it will be stronger than the base metal and as a result the metal tears like someone tearing a sheet of notebook paper the second time it fails

The sched. 10 304 is decent compared to the thin-wall tube stuff.

I bought my BBS rims off of EvoM for $1700 w/tires and the guy took over a month to ship them from NJ. He wasnt resonding to my emails, PMs, or phone calls. I never buy anything off of there anymore unless its from a vender.

dosnt rich have your stock one?


^ con-artist

EA SCAMMERS… er… West Seneca Scammers?