Cash for clunkers bills runs out of money.

Well yeah, it sure does suck. Cheap and good hot dogs though.

“The prescribed and approved method of disabling a car according to law involves replacing the engine’s oil with sodium silicate, more commonly known as liquid glass. When the car is run with a mixture of water and sodium silicate the liquid quickly evaporates and the solids are left behind, causing most of the oiled surfaces to seize and break.[/quote][quote=PJB;393245]Its basically just trading in worthless old shitboxes and getting money for them. Nothing with a higher value than $4500 is getting junked.
Theyre not going to kill a car worth $20k and give you $4500 for it.”

Think again about them doing this to just “junk cars”.

the vids are showin cars that wouldnt get 4.5k at a auction though

Yup, Paul knows what he’s talking about.

I might be going in this week to help “kill” a car :smiley: should be fun :lol

whats even worse is that they are killin the car ,instaed why dont they donate em to people that need them ,ya know the ones that actually need the help .not boonsheeka in the ghetto wit eleventeen kids .but the peeps who work an just aint enough

That would be a smarter idea and would make sense. Probably why the government isnt doing it.

Anyonw want a brand new loaded R/T Caliber . Like 12k

Americans taking on more credit debt during a recession? That makes about as much sense as junking a perfectly running vehicle.

Take a gander at this…

The idea is to get gas-sucking cars/suvs off the road and get those people into more fuel efficient cars. So giving them to poor people doesn’t make any sense. If they can’t afford a car, why give them one that’s going to get 14 mpg?

It’s not because of poor planning, it’s because it worked better than they thought…

Why not? If we can give someone with a family who needs a nice car, and cannot afford one give it to them. Generaly someone who is in a situation like that isnt goign to drive around aimlessly because they can. It would still allow them to get to point a to point b quickly and hopefully more safely then whatever rusted out pos they were driving before if they were even driving anything.

It depends on what you consider “better”

Sure a lot of people traded in shit boxes for new econoboxes but think of how many people who will probably not be able to pay the payments. I bet theres a shit load of people running around with new cars right now that only got them because a nice 5k down payment on a car thats maybe only ~12k would keep them in the clear for a bit. now lets see if they can make the payments on the cars… Ive personaly seen/heard a lot of scumbags going in and getting these new cars simply because 4500 is a nice down payment on a sub 20k car…

it was poor planing… the 1 billion would of been used if every dealer sold 13 clunker deals… thats a low number considering that 1 dealer in Texas did 250+ in one week

credit is still tight man… if you have poor credit your still not getting a car loan

If you consider a '95 Explorer with 125,000+ miles and a failing transmission a nice car then go for it. But what happens when that car inevitably fails, sooner rather than later, is the government on the hook then? Some of you guys want smaller government but at the same time want the government to run a program that takes over-valued trade-ins and gives them to poor families. Sounds like bigger government to me.

Im not talking about the real shitboxes

Look at the video someone poasted in the first page… That volvo for instance… i bet that thing ran great and it looks good from what you can see… So what if it get 17mpg? if a family who needs a vehicle can use it why not?

Wow, those poor dealers, you mean they have to do work? That’s crazy.

These are the same dealers complaining about slow sales and going out of business. Now they’re getting people in the door and selling cars and they are complaining about it? Unbelievable.

I saw the Volvo video and was surprised that was a trade in as well. But, it qualified for some reason. Probably a shit load of miles, etc. The fact is most of the cars are junk to begin with, old Explorers, Cherokees, Grand Caravans.

I almost cried when I saw a beautiful old Landcruiser on the chopping block, but that’s the exception not the rule.

On another note, I drive by Nemer VW everday, they have 3 or 4 Range Rovers/Discoveries in the back that I think are clunker trade-ins. Kind of surprising but those were shit coming out of the factory.

it has nothing to do with the ammount of miles and condition… has to do with MPG… fuck it could be a 2003 BMW thats rated at 18mpg and you could trade it in…

not that anyone would use cash for clunkers youd get more for trade in but im just saying…

Cash for clunkers is a government program, of course it’s going to be a shit storm mess that will cost people more in the long run. What do you expect?