Cat5/6 in a house

For those that have ran wire in their house… What type of wire do you use? What is required by code to run in the walls?


I thought this thread was going to be about a cat…

You should be using Cat5e it is overkill in a residential network to use Cat 6. The type of wire for use in a residence is is actually a lower grade than the cabling used in business. Business uses CMR in walls or conduit, And Plenum rated or CMP is air handling ceilings. All you need is type CM which is only acceptable for use in residential. I can give you a price that you should expect to pay also so that you do not get ripped off.

Cat 6 is obviously faster. It shouldn’t matter which you use as far as “code” is concerned. Cat 6 will probably run you a little more money however. Remember the maximum allowed length is 100 meters (330ft).

The spools of both can be purchased at Home Depot and I’m sure Lowes has them also.

Do not purchase it from HD or Lowes. find an electrical distributor in your area (I can refer you to one if needed) and you will pay significantly less. In a house, I doubt that he has to worry about the 100 meter rule.

Cat6 is faster then Cat5? :lol:

uhhh no

You get better cancellation but the speed is the same.

Cat 6 is not FASTER than Cat5e. Unless you have surveyed or ran a cable or possess any other working knowledge, you should have no right to talk.

Cat 5e and Cat 6 are rated the same speeds of 1GBps but unless you are running servers or something that needs more then 12.5 MBps on its network port then you are wasting your money. Its also a bitch to run in walls and certify becuase of how rigid it is. If you bend it more than a certain angle, its technically no longer Cat6 so dont waste your money.

If you are running it in a open ceiling where air flow is, you need a plenum rated cable (so you dont breath toxic fumes if there was a fire) unless all your air and return goes through a isolated system.

Just in case…

Not necessarly faster, but can support higher speeds. As tpgsr stated Cat6 is fine, but it’s full potential probably would not be met in a residential setting.


Exactly. Except the Plenum part. That section of the NEC code only applies to commercial facilities.

he wouldn’t meet 1/100 of cat6 potential. I have a medium network at my office all wired Cat6 and I am pretty sure that we are barely touching it with 50+ live connections.

What electrical distributors sell Cat5? I may need to add some wiring in my house.

maybe he has a super computer :shrug:

The residential aspect of it was the only part I was unclear on since most people don’t care to waste their money and was just hear-say. Personally, if its just you in the house don’t bother becuase there is about 1,000 other burning fumes to worry about than the small amount of cable :slight_smile:

We just ran Cat5e in a house of a friends to jacks in every room. He streams everything over it and yes, it runs at gig perfectly fine.

I say run coax!

Wait wait run multimode fiber in the house that will be faster :slight_smile:

LOL BUS network FTW

I think I have a couple 10 half duplex co-ax hubs at my house somewhere with some vampire taps.

I love that when my house was built, they ran the phone lines with cat5e.

if your’re looking for cable try this place

only 15 bucks for a 100’ patch.

That is how I wired my office and my house… All cat 6 in the office and cat 5e at home. It makes it so that if I need another data port I can just go switch a patch cord and voila telephone is now data.

I paid about that on Newegg for a 100 footer.

What kind of switch are you going with?