exactly, and if you do you’ve probably got bigger issue to worry about in the bottom end.
I’ll typically do a closed loop system on a mild car that’ll likely see the 3K mile oil changes only because a closed loop system purges alot of the acidic air out of the crankcase that can contaminate the oil. On a car like something we drive, we take better care and are more prone to change the oil more often so it’s kinda null and void at that point.
diesels have a tendency for more blowby, hence why the oil is NASTY shit when it comes time to change it. On the 2500 I run a typical exhaust CCV system right into the DP as previously mentioned. Have never had an issue in the ~2 years it’s been like that. I haven’t touched the duramax as it’s my sisters, but If it were mine I’d do the same thing.
global warming is here, might as well ride the wave :lol