Cattaraugus MC crash

From my safety steward speach at autocross:

When red flagging a car, do not get in front of the car. You are 200 lbs, the car is 3000 lbs, the car will win.

Yeah, it’s great you’re trying to stop the car from running over the motorcycle guy (who from the sounds of it was already dead) but at some point you still have to be ready to get out of the way if it doesn’t stop. Sounds to me like one tragedy, and two cases of poor judgement.

Just then, he saw another driver who had stopped to help waving her arms in an attempt to stop a Ford Taurus

I’ve actually done this on a rural road back home when I drove up on an accident. I parked MY CAR between the people in the accident and the oncoming traffic. You see cops do it all the time too. Cars stop other cars much better than people.