Cedrick Wilson Fired

and you could stop talking out of your ass like you have ANY idea what the hell happened in either of the cases.

so under the rooneys if i was gonna take my grandmas dog to vet and she said no and it enraged me to kick her ass it would be ok because i was gonna do something good.

here’s the difference… harrison starts, wilson didnt.

the steelers cover a lot of shit up… just like that time deion figures was driving through compton and accidently shot himself in the knee… yeaaaah sure he did. just like joey porter was a random victim of a drive by…just like the guys that broke into plex’s house was random… they have a good explanation for everything and if you are replaceable only then do they cut you. bam got replaced with the bus, worley got replaced with barry foster.

I dont have to admit anything, because i have absolutely no idea what happened in either instance. But I do trust that the Rooney’s will do what is best for the team, so…

I don’t… but it seems like a shitty ass statement from Rooney… u can just smell the bullshit.

no one has the slightest clue what is going on here, but everyone acts like they were there and witnessed the shit. :rofl:

true dat…it’s all nfl teams…the steelers are almost as bad as cincy anymore

it should not matter if the rooney’s are such stand up people. Both were caught beating on women and one player got special treatment, that’s BS. If the Rooney’s were fair and actually cared about it, they would have shit canned Harrison also, regardless of whether he was trying to take his kid to be baptised or not.

I smell nothing. :dunno:

Could it be bullshit, sure… But no one really knows, so why speculate? In fact, who even cares? :rofl:

Let us have our fun… go pull Ron Pauls cock out of your ass and lighten up a bit :love:

you are right but at the same time, dont fool yourself. you know it would take something major for the rooneys to let harrison go for diciplinary reasons. its alot easier to let your 4th reciever go than your start LB (especially when Haggans walked today).

you have no fucking clue what happened. Stop talking like you do.

Exactly :bigok:


Ron Paul > your life

Please explain why you think we need all the facts? One fact is both beat on a woman and the Rooneys said

"The Steelers do not condone violence of any kind, especially against women.

So please stfu and quit being a faggot

learn how to spell, fucktard.

could be true :dunno: He does have a lot more going on than I do.

suck my cock, cuntknuckle.

whatever douche, you just agree with what the rooney’s go public with and then act like you are some football genius.

as one pittsburgh talk show caller put it… “who cares what they do… all that matters is 5 superbowls” :rolleyes:

no, I said that no one really knows any of the details. Perhaps you need to learn to read as well?