Cell Phone Question

Right now I have T Mobile a Sidekick 3 and i wanna get rid of it the reception it horrible on it I never get god signal,. I found a Cingular phone for a great price What are you able to do on the phone with it locked? Am i able to get on the web and send a receive calls/txts?

maybe the reception has something to do with the horrible service you are using.

verizon ftw. i never roam or have problems with reception

You won’t be able to use it with T-Mobile service if it’s locked.

Reception is probably 9/10’s service and 1/10 handset. Where do you use the phone when you’re getting bad reception?

verizon is the shit

Well either way i wanna upgrade from a sidekick ive come to realize they suck! I just read on unlocking phones pretty simple so i think im gonna give it a go

you’re locked out of at&t towers no matter what you use. Without an at&t sim, you still aren’t getting any service.

I also never get “god” reception, I wish I did what is that like 8 bars or something?

nokias generally carry the best reception for tmobile

I’ve had tmobile for over a year and the service is fine for where I go

where do you live/use your phone?

you can also forward calls to another phone with tmobile

I have tmobile and my phone works everywhere no matter where i go i dont know why you’r e having a problem

Switch to AT&T, give me a pm and i can set you up.

sigh, dude, you really need to be an advertiser to do this. ive not said anything for awhile, but it needs to be said.

^ :word:

Working on it.

Ohh really? All it takes is a paypal account and a pm to Howie. Don’t be a dick to those that have contributed.

If any of my stores happened to be in WNY, I would pay to Ad.

On topic, yes you can use an ATT branded GSM phone. There are many companies on the web you can find to have them unlock it for you.

You need to pay your etf, go see Evolve and switch to VZW. I personally carry a VZW phone and an ATT phone. I have the Voyager with VZW, as well as an 8800 with ATT. I don’t pay for either and I do quite a bit of traveling, hands down VZW takes the award for most reliable.

he’s been in contact with me. I cant do anything for him at this time.