Chain Oil

Hi guys! I cleaned my chain over the weekend because it was really black, and I’m just wondering what kind of oil you use for it. I think I should use a paint brush to get it on there. I read some articles and they recommended different kinds of oils, but said I should use a brush and cover the other parts of the bike in newspaper so the oil doesn’t get on stuff.

Let me know! Thanks!

I use chain wax and highly reccomend it. Regular oils tend to fling off and cover the bike in oil.

what type of chain?

I like the Maxima chain wax, but like joe said, oils tend to make a mess. Before you apply the wax, clean your chain with some kerosene(wd40) and go for a ride to warm the chain up then spray the wax on.


I’ll second Maxima chain wax. Been using it on my dirt bikes and street bikes for years.

Where can I go buy this wax? At like an auto part store?

maxima sucks, bel-ray ftw. it’s white so you know when it’s time to re-apply.

Bel Ray sucks. You can buy chain wax at any motorcycle shop. It’s in a gold spray can.

Ok. Thanks guys. I’m gonna go check out Bert’s because I only know of that one and the Honda shop.

Bert’s will have it for sure.

pj1 blue ftw.

Just buy any chain wax you really can’t got wrong vs. un lubed…