Changes to Drive Clean.

Effective January 1, 2006, the program is being revised to focus on vehicles most likely to pollute by:

* Starting emissions tests to renew licence plates when vehicles are five years old, instead of three, because newer vehicles have much better emissions controls and three-year-old cars pass Drive Clean over 99 per cent of the time. Heavy-duty trucks and buses will also require tests beginning when they are five years old, instead of three
* Strengthening consumer protection and fraud prevention by making it an offence under the Environmental Protection Act to create, distribute or use false Drive Clean passes and making it easier to decertify emissions inspectors who create, distribute or use false Drive Clean passes

As well, 20-year-old light-duty vehicles, which have a high risk of being serious polluters, will now require testing, with 1988 and newer model year vehicles staying in the program.

Further changes to the Drive Clean program are also proposed:

* Requiring annual testing for vehicles 12 years old and older
* Increasing the amount vehicles owners must spend on repairs should their vehicle fail its Drive Clean test from $450 to $600
* No longer requiring a Drive Clean test for an ownership transfer between family members, or when a vehicle lease is bought out by the lessee
* Using the vehicle’s own on-board computers for testing 1998 and newer vehicles

ah fuck :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

i guess we wont be seeing any r33’s popping up in the near future like I had hoped… gotta wait another 5 years :frowning:

That’s just great, now I have to get under my car every year to put my cat on :x

^ or you could just leave it on.

ur not loosing that much power…



Anyway, they say this is supposed to save us money? How, by going every year instead of biannually.

But then I wouldn’t be able to shoot fireballs!

I put a catalytic on the car when I finally got it plated and road worthy and it has been on ever since. I don’t feel the need to remove it for the exact reason you just gave.

Uh oh, dis no good. :shock:

no good for all our angry smelling engines and backfiring attacks

the only reason you wont pass etest is if you motor runs like crap
the Sr passes.
put a cat on it
well i passed witha 3 inch high flow.

^^ under hotrod or regular 240 emissions limits?

mine passed under regular 240sx specs.

meh doesnt effect me, ive got the connections 8) :rofl:


So, they’re going to save us money by making you test more often and pay more if it fails?

And expect any “connections” to start drying up. I’ve been told the gov’t is going to start spot roadside testing vehicles that have passed recently just to make sure they’re not bogus.

All vehicles 12 years and older?!? With no cut off? WTF? Where the hell is the gov’t going to find suggested pollutant outputs for cars that were built BEFORE anyone cared about emissions? Can’t wait to e-test the Charger.

For those of you not old enough to remember I invite you to look up when Drive Clean was first implemented. And they promised that if after the “test” in the Golden Horseshoe there wasn’t at least a 25% reduction in pollution they’d SCRAP THE WHOLE FUCKING PROGRAM. Oh yeah, and they did check, as of 2003 they’d made a whopping .2% difference. About as much difference as a windy day can make. So 10 years later, they’re making it cost more, and cover more vehicles.

Cash grab?

Couldn’t be …

Oh and it has nothing to do with the fact that the pollutants e-tests check for are in NO WAY the most dangerous emissions a combustion engine makes. They just don’t bother testing for the others.

Yet they’ve got no problem with setting fire to tonnes and tonnes of solid waste (that’s poopie in layman’s terms) all along the lakeshore and bathing the entire region with the smoke.

Would be nice to sit down with Lauren Broten and have a little tete-a-tete with her and see her justify Drive Clean, while her riding (South Etobicoke) is probably 2nd from the top list of air polluters in the GTA. See if she even has a clue in a debate.

We DO have that right after all …

or even better, start flooding this guy with calls … get him on speaker phone, or at the very least tape your conversation. Would make for some great soundbytes.

Christopher Paulin, Senior Program Advisor
Drive Clean
40 St. Clair Ave. W.
Toronto, Ontario, M4V 1M2
PHONE: (416) 314-0375 FAX: (416) 314-4160


Sorry, one more edit. I was rereading it, and it seems like cars 88 and older will be exempt. Technically getting me off the hook for ever e-testing again, which is better than the old way, which I would have not been exempt until 2007. So that’s good news for me.

Screw you guys :wink: