ahhh, damnit. i even saw josh’s bump but i was so into filling out my application for network participation that i forgot to watch it.
No Shit. Thats messed up. If I lived/worked down there I would definitely be moving. That stuff can not be good for the lungs.
If i read everything right Boron on and Acid can create Boric Acid which california classifies as hazordous waste
A soft, brown, nonmetallic element. It is the base of borax and boric acid. Boron is used in flares, propellant mixtures, nuclear reactor control elements, abrasives, and hard metallic alloys.
(bo·ric ac·id) (bor¢ik) [NF] a mild acid used as an acidifying agent and in buffer solutions; it is also a weak germicide used on intact skin, mucous membranes, and cornea. Accidental ingestion may cause fatal poisoning in humans or other animals; see boron poisoning, under poisoning.
Yeah seems like mr. audios is in the right here. Hope those fuckers clean up their shit.
yeah i looked for the story on channel 4s website and they have nothing
That doesn’t mean it’s not there. I’ve never seen a more poorly organized site.
i will type something up in a little bit here…give me some time
short story is that our neighbor that i mentioned it venting unfiltered hydroflouric and nitric acid into the atmosphere. my dads security camera caught it on tape and it looks like a building is pissing death into the neighborhood…there is back story etc so give me some time
You youngins may not remember Borax soap but that shit is awesome.:biglaugh:
I have witnessed this gas/smoke/vapor first hand and not only does it not smell healthy, but it has pitted the glass and clearcoat on my BMW. Corey/RedGoober…remember detailing my car and noting the sand-like surface?
Titanium Recycling Plant located right next to Audio’s Dad’s fabrication shop is dumping a “mystereous yellowish-brown gas”, consisting of boron and hydrofluoric acid into the air and the D.E.C. is passing it off as a “malfunction” and the D.E.C. is says it’s “not violating any laws”
Just like any branch of the government… if the price is right, they will say or pass anything.
I saw it on TV this morning.
That really sucks,that crap is a serious corrosive.
17 years ago my started his business Eagle Fabricating by buying this building at 125 dorothy st. if anyone knows about purchasing industrial real estate, there is a very fuzzy line about who is responsible for clean up of property if there is supposed contamination. any clean up of the property when you are the purchaser is VERY expensive. anyways my dad bought the land with the understanding there were some contaminents in the soil and it was documented it was not his doing.
fast forward about 2 years later, when i was just a wee lad in middle school. my dad was starting to get jobs in the shop, have some employees, get things started. the summer of this year i would go with my dad to work and hang out, he would stick me in a corner with a welder and scrap steel and just let me go so i would stay out of trouble.
welding gets boring after a while so sometimes i would go outside to play and one day when i was out there i noticed the whole yard would fill with white smoke. i told my dad about it and he just thought it was a fire, or one time deal. it started happening everyday. my dad went over to the building in front of ours and asked what was going on. he spoke with a foreman and the foreman said he was cutting titanium with a plasma. usually when you cut something with a plasma cutter, you need a catch tank (large tank filled with water) so the smoke is reduced. they didnt have one and all the biproduct drifted to our yard. he asked them if there was something that could be done and they were honest…they said ti was alot of money to try and clean it up/make it right. “well i dont want to have to go to court over this, i cant have my guys, my kid getting sick” is basically what my dad said, he wasnt trying to make enemies. the foreman just shrugged. so my dad called the DEC (this is about 14 or 15 years ago remember). they came over to do an “inspection” and the day after that the foreman came to our shop wanting to speak with my dad.
“do you know who you are fucking with?”
dad: “no, um why”
“you are fucking with the wrong people man, just wait and see”
i am not sure what my dad said to them, but he never took them to court. i am pretty sure the DEC reccomended a cheap way of reducing the smoke to nothing by having a water tank and some filters…not that expensive, so they installed it, my dad was happy, DEC was happy…etc
over the years, every once in a while there would be more white smoke, weird smells, and the occasional yellow smoke coming from another part of the building. it was never frequent, and didnt seem to cause a problem so my dad just let it be.
we actually formed a pretty good relationship with GCF over the following years. they gave josh and i some scrap titanium which gave josh a boner, and sometimes would send some fab work to my dads company. things were good
in the spring of this year 2006, my dad bought a 997 carrera…a car i thought he would never buy. needless to say it was a special purchase for him and it was a car he loved dearly. he would drive it to work every once in a while, because after all, you cant just have one to look at right? well at least not a carrera…a ferrari f40 maybe. after driving it in a few times he noticed the paint had a dif texture when he would wash it. he looked at his work truck and he could see yellow “dust” all over. his truck is blue, car is white. so on the truck it was really noticable, and on the stainless trim, you could see rust. very strange…so he gets out a magnifying glass and starts looking around his p-car and notices divots in the paint. spots where it looked like the paint was cratering. this is a brand new car! he was pissed.
as josh said he had this on his car when he worked here breifly, and my dad had talked to himabout it. looked at the other cars the employess drve to work, and all of them had extreme paint damage. after trying to figure out what the hell would cause this he noticed some vents on the side of the building in front of us were running fans, exhausting directly above our cars. step closer and you can smell “something”.
this is where it got hairy. my dad asked GCF what the fans were exhausting…adnt he reply was “we dont know, we’ll get back to you”
huh? wtf? haw can you not know?
they came back to us and never told us what the stuff was/is. they just offered to send everyones car to delta sonic and ge them buffed out. not knowing what would happen, my dad agreed and everyone who wanted their car buffed out could take it there and GCF would cover the bill. some of my dads employees tried to just take the money becuase they only had 300.00 cars and it was pointless to try and buff rust.
so my dads cars coem back, not really perfect, but better…life goes on. ach week though, there is more of this stuff on the cars. GCF offers the same delta sonic deal, and my dad takes it but keeps asking what could possibly be coming out of the vents. no reply.
well after 4 times to delta, the yellow stuff is off each time, but the “pitting” is getting worse. with a magnifying glass, my dad said he could see through the paint to the baase metal, where the car was starting to rust. he took his car to several body shops and asked their opinion and they all reccomended a respray after serious sanding. ugh, brand new car and to ruin it by having to sand out rust and respray it.
needless to say my dad was pissed, but he calmly went over to GCF to talk to the pres and talk about what could be done. the pres offered his delta deal but my dad made it clear this wasnt going to fly. he said he wanted his car repainted and wanted whatever was coming out of there to stop. talks like this went on for about 2 weeks, it remained civil. until one day the pres of GCF got fed up and basically said he had done enough. if my dad didnt like what was happening to the cars, park somewhere else and as far as the paint went, he challenged my dad to litigate…“because i have more money than you” word for word.
my dad was floored…he called the DEC and they were expecting his phone call. they said he was within spec, and that he had a permit to do it…they reccomended not driving such nice cars to work. my dad immediatly saw this as a cover up. someone had to be getting paid, blah blah blah. he contacted lawyers, tried contacting other federal offices, EPA, federal office of the DEC…started to get the ball rolling. problem was they all knew who he was. had an answer ready for him and said he was stuck with trying to litigate etc.
my dad figures whatever is that bad for the cars has to be bad for human health. he calls a guy down to our place to do samples and inspect what could be coming out of the vents and stacks. the guy runs simple air tests and determines titanium dust and other chemicals were present, to be more specific he had to run more $$$ tests. the guy says what was coing out though, was probobly hydroflouric and nitric acid since GCF had a pickling line in that corner of their building.
my dad and i did some research, looked up some hazard info and found out this stuff is deadly. it being around here afects everything. respiratory/digestive/nervous system. he calls the air sampler back to do the more expensive tests and he says he has to decline. he ahd received aphone call from the DEC, whom he does a ton of work for, and he said he couldnt risk doing these tests and losing the DEC as his customer. so my dad was stuck. he installed security cameras to catch the events happening and within a week we had all the footage you saw on the news.
when the news was here luke morretti did a recorded interview and i heard every word since it was on speaker phone. they admitted to not seeing exactly what the stuff was, admitted they never tested the health hazards, also, they admitted what they said about GCF having a permit was not the case…just a reccomendation to emit the smoke only at night.
sorry this is so jumbled, there is alot of info and i am trying to keep it simple. but yeah, basically my dad is taking on the state dept of the DEC, sent letters to senetors and councilmen, and blew the lid off the bitch by calling in an investigative reporter. it sucks cuz it is being blown up like this but my dad feels it is really important to try and get these guys to filter thier emissions. he realizes the car is a sunk issue and there is nothing he can do about it, now he is focussed on making sure non of us who work here are affected long term.
cliffs notes: i am gonna die from yellow smoke poisoning and all i got was this lousy t-shirt
WOW, that’s messed up. Good luck, and :tup: to your dad.
Thats pretty fucked up.
Hope everything works out.:tup:
good luck to you and your dad :tup: you should just hook a hose up to their vents, and re-vent it back into their shop, or garage.
Unfortunately, this is how everything works in NYS. Until a lot of noise is made they just try to ignore it.
- 190 Tolls
- Erie County Budget
- Love Canal
- Hickory Woods neighborhood contamination.
Sounds like its in the open enough that something will get done now. :tup: to your dad.