
We needz it.

Voted no. Kills forum activity, makes place look dead, newbs dont register.

+1, we needs moar n00bz

there is a plugin for vbulli that is called achat or something, but i dont think we are gonna bother with it for the reason clarker posted

i say naw, never been a fan of those things. High-traffic/popular forums never use them.


One of the reasons I don’t go to R-Speed.

yeah the chat box killed Rspeed


fixed again



Isnt just about every thread a chat thread anyway?

+elevendy billion


Rspeed is dead due to that fuckin thing…

Every post is in the chatbox… and not in the forums

For the record, there will be no chatbox on the forums, for the common good.

One of my Maxima forum’s uses it and traffic is still fine. Only a select 20 members actually use CB constantly. But, whatever ya’ll say.

Vlad, in your sig pic, is that guy about to side into a guard rail too? :slight_smile:

chatboxes are as cool as not being on a boat.

it looks like it lolol

no Rspeed, killed Rspeed.