Checko's EG sedan (finially gettin some love)

heres the spoiler damage :frowning:


couple coats of SEM high build

tomorrow ill scuff the whole thing down and respray. just gotta make sure i hang it better haha!

Thanks. I have a few weeks to get some stuff done before I am ready to tear into my car. But, I will call him.


cool man, no rush. hes a busy man lol

today we got the spoiler painted. pics r shitty. my palm pre broke, so im using my moms old reclaim and its an even shittier camera phone lol

got the brake lines all in today. wasnt too hard at all.

i think my front hubs aren’t pressed in all the way. when i bolt the caliper brackets on, the rotors are rubbing against the bracket. ill have to borrow my buddys hub tammer for tomorrow.

:ham: sideways pic!

wheres my pics pirite!!!

right here. chill out lol.

ive got a few more, just threw these up real quick.


Pirite took some siqqqq pics…And I jizzed in my pants


i got a couple more things to take off the block tomorrow. then the block/head are gettin dropped off to get dipped. in the mean time, i suppose i should work on the wiring and finish that up. shouldnt be too long now!

whats the update on this?

I hate you nick since I live in hamburg you should give me a ring and id be down to help and also thanks for having awesome friends Jerry is the best boss ever!

looking good

Ahh updates. Nothing much really since I got a job at the roycroft :slight_smile: the block and oil pan got hot tanked. And the cylinders honed. Still waiting on the head. It’s getting shaved. Evan get at me sometime. How do you like the new job?!

Pm me your number and I fucking love it the first week kicked ass cause Jerry and I were working together and he threw food at a hitchhicker it was funny other then that it’s easy and fun!!!

Yesterday and today was work on the motor days lol. It’s almost done. Here’s pics. Luke chime in with real photos!

nice, love the color of the valve cover

Thank you sir!

ill get real pics up tomorrow.