[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:32,topic:26300"”]
And we weigh about the same, so spot that woman beating dickhead another 50 lbs and Im still jumping in. Then Im beating that gutless asshole that watched it. I could not in good conscience watch that and not help.
I know people who have been in more compromising positions, where its a gang of people or weapons clearly displayed, and helping would be a clear suicide mission. But those wimps could have helped her. She took it very well though, considering.
knowing that this is a cop, you don’t know if he is in the shit house at the precinct. he could be the top guy there, one big cover up… and its YOUR ass on the line… he could be drunk as shit, and you drop him. well guess what you assaulted a cop. Buffalo, is not the cleanest, imagine what runs through chicago… the influences are something I would prefer to not deal with.
This guys is out getting hammered, and does something like this… I’m thinking he can be easily swayed by someone… piss of the wrong guy. I’d rather sit back than be on witness protection cause i felt compelled to help out a lady.
God, i feel paranoid… I’ve had my run ins already, and i’d prefer to not go at it with a cop when alcohol is involved again