chino's disasterous sti paint! 56k diaf

Nice work paul :tup:

its probably from the track days… Hot rotors throw off bits o metal. which can stick to the paint.

one of these days ill wash my cars when i find time

jesus christ jim, take care of your car!!!

nice work with the detail :tup:

I wish i knew anything about detailing… Looks great though.

Nice job Jim you fucking scum bag for making him work a shitload more

looks good, your going to have a field day with my car. I hope all the scratches come out. My 4 yr old decided to help daddy and remove the snow from his car with a broom.

jesus that was a ton of oxidation

somebody deserves a suck and fuck for that backbreaker of a job

good job as always cracker!

nice work I need to get some menzerna polish, I am so sick of the stuff I have

very nice work man

Its metal dust from the brakepads/rotors… my car was the same way.

what are u using? menzerna is by far the best ive ever used. it would take A LOT to get me to switch to something else at this point, results are amazing

I tired using a polish before the wax a few months ago, but the results didn’t look any better than wax alone. Then I read somewhere that white cars don’t really benefit from polish like darker colors do.

I was using maguires #7 polish. Mabey I should try a better polish???

did u use a Porter Cable or did u try it by hand?

no I just used microfiber towels by hand…I do want to get a PC

the car is a 2004? i hope he didn’t have that rail dust on there from 4 years ago!?

I think mine is mainly brake dust, it looks like that after every winter…

where can u buy menzerna products? do u HAVE to order it online or is it local?

I have a few mequires polishes, 83, 80, 7, Optimum Polish, and some other random things.

I did use Menzerna last year when, my buddy did his viper I was impressed way less dusting then 83.

only place i found them is online, i order all my product from