chris beniot and family found dead


yea… don’t be a moron. You’re man in tights apparently didn’t just “try roids once, 20 yrs ago”



Did I ever say it was once, and only once 20 years ago? No, I don’t believe I did. He’s been a wrestler in the States and Japan for 20 odd years, and he was bigger back then than he was recently.

So, if he was taking roids, it has been for 20 some years. I would think that after 20 years of taking steroids, you would know your limits, especially seeing as how he hasn’t gained body mass over the years.

Also, the part of my post, which you conviently cut out, stated that I believe there were other issues far more pressing than possible roid rage. I am in no way ruling that out as a cause, yes people snap, even more so with steroids, but there was a more pressing factor that we don’t know yet.

Even if it was rage when he killed his wife on friday, why would he then suffocate his son late saturday/early sunday, then hang himself monday? I don’t think a simple roid rage would last 4 days, sorry.

Oh and by the way, the authorities are investigating the possibility of roid rage in a case such as this for a wrestler? NO FUCKING WAY I DON’T BELIEVE IT. Same goes for finding them in the home. No shit, is it that big of a secret?

disclaimer I do not take roids, never have, never will. I do not know anyone who does, personally. I have read bodybuilding forums from people who take roids, and have no issues, and probably some that do. And for the record, all those body builders say that roid rage is a myth, I don’t know if I believe them.