Chris Kyle killed at shooting range

I think its a conspiracy that threads like this are made to purposely create dialogue.

Vlad and Chris.

You dont need to understand the disorder like a dr. and you dont need to be there to have a strong arguement so much when you can use common sense. What is more dangerous to the patient and people around them with ANY disorder, the group at a gun range with live weapons, or having a picnic on a nice grassy field?

Further support for my point is the dude threatened his family with taking his life with a damn gun because he needed help! So he was under eval and assumedly helped for 5 months. Whoever thought that 5 months of “help” for 48 months of whatever caused this guys mental state to fail is enough time to put a weapon in his hands and feel they are “ok” to control it is NOT USING VERY GOOD COMMON SENSE! I don’t need to be the Dr, the family member, the neighbor or the reporter to understand that one.

Again, it alllllll boils down to responsibility. The killer didn’t have any, or he would have been smart enough to not put himself in a position to “blow his brains out” or kill two people. The family didn’t have any responsibility for not taking a more active role in preventing this, neither did the dr’s that released him twice from the mental ward… you see where I am going with this.

I’m pretty disappointed that our vets don’t get better help when they come home, obviously this guy was fucked up a bit and needed help if he had ptsd. I can’t say he isn’t to blame but he should have had some help coping via a therapist or whatever. sad none the less

most vets when they are young think the military will help them the rest of their lives. but we know they dont. every local bum i talked with was ex military or vet in my area. i have not seen every bum but i have talked with over 10. all fought for military.

usually the military takes care of you when you do for them. as soon as you stop they dont care. they have new troops to train.

if they invested all there money in helping vets we would have a weaker military. so they spend the $$$ on the new guys and say f the old ones

Actually the Veterans Affairs has come A LONG WAY from what it was. They do help with a ton of things these days, the problem is nobody really takes the time to take advantage of it. But that is mostly because it isn’t publicly announced and known. It’s a matter of seeing your local rep and discussing what you need and what you can qualify for.

if the army vet you know doesnt kill himself or go nuts or crash a motorcycle by age 65 see where hes at. see whos helping him

they wouldnt have homeless vet programs and other things set up by the people if they took good care of the vets.

our own iraq vets are iwthout homes

Again READ my post. They can’t get help if they don’t talk to someone and take advantage of the benefits they qualify for.


I know this from my own personal experience. Not posting off some article, stop believing everything the media says.

Tonight a story came out that the man who killed Osama gets nothing from the government…no pension (have to have 20 yrs in) …nothing other than health care for 5 years (that he didnt know about and is too late to qualify for now) after 16 years of service…and a boatload of the eastern world that wants his head on a platter.

Shitty link location, but a story is there:

 Except the claim about health care is wrong. And no servicemember who  does less than 20 years gets a pension, unless he has to medically  retire.
  Like every combat veteran of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, the former  SEAL, who is identified in the story only as “the Shooter”, [is automatically eligible for five years of free healthcare through the Department of Veterans Affairs](

So a guy was in service for 16 YEARS but had no idea about the eligibility of VA benefits? :rofl Aren’t these guys supposed to stay secret as well, like when the real name from one of the Navy Seals got outed from writing the book? This guy is fine with just coming out? Yeah right. Guy is either a phony, or a joke that has been kicked out of the force due to being a security risk or serious PTSD issues.

Over the next few weeks esquire is going to eat it’s own words, but no matter in this country. Sensationalist headline, horrible reporting, lack of key details.

The seed of a idea has been planted and that seed is impossible to get rid off.

After all, a lie is much easier to believe than the truth.

Edit: Why are you upset about him not getting pension? He didn’t put the amount of years (20) required to get it. Are you saying he’s entitled to pension for some reason?

I lured you in Vlad…

Bottom line… Im not mad at anything, but knew you woud bite, as would someone else had you not.

End of day…many of those that do well for America will always be a target.

… I guess you got me to bite.

What am I chewing on exactly?

Fact that mainstream media (Conservative and Liberal) loves to throw out sensationalist headlines to try to get feelings back from people instead of actual critical thinking?

Or the fact that people don’t like to accept personal responsibility?

Or the fact that Government isnt all that bad and will still provide this guy with the GI Bill, Lower loan rates, guaranteed home mortgage, priority hiring in Gov’t jobs, Vet hospital access etc?

Na, the fact that you didnt think. Am I ever pro entitlement?

The point wasnt where your mind took you. But, you will argue that with me for fun anyway.

I said to myself, I had better point out the inaccuracy of the story (thus mention VA), but better yet, I’ll quote Esquire…

Fact is, its unjust (dropped his health care elegibility after 180 days), he was marginalized, and the seals, especially this one, should be discussed with regard to any entitlement. Entitlement here should be compared to entitlement everywhere, and I hoped you would address that…

He signed up for this. He may or may not be considered a hero and may be a murderer to others. If you want to discuss this, lets hop off your eternal high horse of " off kilter, main stream ,over studied idealogical knowledge base of half assed web research " and give us opinion based on your upbringing… it would be more interesting and invoke less quiet agenda.

Before you try to untangle what I just said, which you will try so hard to do, just remember one thing…

I don’t give a shit how fucked they all say you are, I’ll still grab a coffee at Ingas with you anytime.

Oh,and here, for you, your favorite superbowl commercial :!

And if you have the time…for your OT enjoyment … please …

I hope you know how much I like and respect you speaking your opinions.
Even if we dont know what your point is, just as you dont know what mine is here.

If this was your clever play of proving the hypothesis of the fact that I like to argue, I could have saved you a lot of keyboard strokes and edits by answering that question directly as I have in the past.

Do I really care about any of these events? Hardly. Fear of things you can’t control is wasted time, however playing devils advocate and getting under people’s skin to see what they are really made off is priceless and educational.

As for that “superbowl” commercial - blaming god for creation of Liberals is a subject I’ll gladly take on in another thread because it’s like giving me a sledgehammer in front of a building that’s about to collapse. Clip an argument or two and the whole thing will come crashing down. Did find it amusing though on how there was no shyness of stereotyping using key words and throwing all the imagery you could under one basket.

We don’t see eye to eye on many things, but what’s the fun off surrounding yourself with “yes men”?

I see your opinions and I can logically see how you may have arrived at them. I don’t agree with the logic used as it was based on faulty data, however nobody ever thinks they are in the wrong, or that they came to their conclusions by wrong logic. That is when you often implement the ultimate argument: Emotions.

Emotions overule logic and easiest way to get somebody to change their “logical” opinion is suggest that the actor has unjustifiable did something to hurt or affect somebody the person you’re trying to sway cares for. Relationships are the easiest example of this, but the evidence is everywhere if you take your time to notice it. What is the easiest way to get people mad at a person that everybody likes? Start spreading rumors that the person has fucked you/did you wrong in some way shape or form and that person will be hated by the crowd before any fact checking/validity or defense could even be made. The story could be bullshit but the deed is done, the respected character is now on the defensive. Business reviews, relationships, politics, coworkers, friends you name it. You will always be fucked by irrational emotional decisions of other people.

Name a time and I’ll see you at Ingas.

Dearest Vlad,

Whilst I appreciate your rather subjective attempt at dialog, it truly came off as one of your usual statements masked.

If you paid close attention, somewhere in there you may have picked out the mis-direction.

This is non-traditional warfare I know, and perhaps I will save the tru point for that cup of java.

In the mean time, break down the following sentence… the people who founded this nation said “our system of government was designed for a well informed and educated populous”

The lack of “Vlad agenda” caught you off guard? :lol

Catching you admitting or exposing any agenda is harder than pinning the Abominable Snowman to Bigfoots backside while King Kong is balancing Snow White dressed as a Mermaid while reading the Sandy Hook Conspiracy to school children in Florida as Jeb blew up building 7, all at the same time, in one hand.

So, no.

I’m never off guard.

Well considering everybody knows that Bigfoot was eaten by Loch Ness, that is just a silly metaphor.

But a wild sentence appears in the edit above!

the people who founded this nation said “our system of government was designed for a well informed and educated polulous

Those people would have been severely disappointed.

Lol. U very tricky and smart man

side note. This morning off the exit on 787 I take every morning and sit at the light there is a homeless dude there asking for money. Today there was a new guy, sign said “homeless veteran, anything helps”.

Standing there in cleaner, nicer jeans than I was wearing. Clean jacket, gloves and winter hat. TIMBERLAND BOOTS that looked brand new.

Something didnt quite add up there.

Po peoples be allowed to own righteous shizzle too ya knowz