Chris07ss's Guide to getting through this year's cold/flu season


:rofl:rofl:rofl. Well boss I have tried day time, night time, tea, cough drops, thera flu, advil only because I have been coughing so much I have a massive headache where my head feels like its going to explode, zicam, delsym, hot & sour soup, ginger roots, garlic cloves and now the doctor gave me this liquid Ambuteral or some shit I have to put in a machine and inhale this vapor and still I have been mad sick now for 8 days and counting still coughing till it looks like me eyes bleed, ribs hurt, stomach aches an skull still feels like my brain is going to explode out of it. Still my sleep schedule is all fuct up and nothing seems to be working. This only happens to me every few years though so I am trying to deal with it the best I can. At least I am over the part of feeling like my limbs are so cold I cant feel them anymore.