christians that actually know the bible get in here

+1 to what is said above.

Besides global warming, everything you have listed is a proven scientific fact.[/quote]

The Big Bang Theory is just that. A theory.

Yes, evolution happens (to an extent). I don’t know enough about carbon dating to comment on that. And global warming makes sense but again, I don’t know enough about to it to say it’s completely correct, etc.

But the Big Bang Theory? It’s a theory which hasn’t been proven to have any merit.

PJB posted that picture with Jesus on the cross…here’s one regarding Big Bang Theory (see below)…

Here is an excerpt of a paper I co-wrote with someone in back in college:

The Big Bang theory can be disproved by two different laws of physics. The first is the First Law of Thermodynamics, which states that matter cannot be made or destroyed simply by itself. It leaves us with two choices: someone made the world, or the world made itself. The Big Bang theory cannot even be proven logically because if all we see around us came from nothing, which means the emptiness was a vacuum, then how could nothing pack itself together into one dense pile? Also, there would be no gravity to push it together. And if somehow there was, it wouldn’t be able to expand with all that gravity pushing on it. Also, heat cannot be produced out of nothing.

The following describes the inconsistency of the Big Bang theory with other laws of physics: The intense heat caused by the exploding nothingness is said to have changed the nothingness into protons, neutrons, and electrons. First, an empty vacuum in the extreme cold of outer space cannot get hot by itself. Second, an empty void cannot magically change itself into matter. Third, there can be no heat without an energy source.
The Big Bang theory can also be disproved by the Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum, which says that if a spinning object, the dense matter in this case, breaks apart, the parts that come off will spin in the same direction as the original object in a frictionless environment. For example, if an object is spinning clockwise, and a part of it breaks off, it will also continue spinning clockwise. If the Big Bang theory is true and the universe began as a spinning dense dot, then all the galaxies and planets should all be spinning the same way. However, we have Venus and Uranus spinning backwards, and eight of the ninety-one known moons are spinning backwards. Jupiter’s, Saturn’s and Neptune’s moons spin in both directions. Many scientists combat this point by saying that the reason these objects spin in different directions is because they have collided into other spinning objects. This would be true if there was matter that existed before the Big Bang. Since the Big Bang was the beginning, there was no other matter around. Science itself disproves the so-called scientific theory of the Big Bang.

Cliff Notes: