christians that actually know the bible get in here

Exactly what I am saying! But many people don’t look into things and assume their proven.

What annoys me the most are teachers and professors…Just last fall I had a sociology professor who was talking to the class about global warming like it was factual occurrence. :wow I was the only one who disputed it and everyone just nodded there head…yaaa global warming baaaaad.

You want to talk about relgious people following blindly? how about people following anything blindly…ie our nation blindly following Obama…HOPE…CHANGE:rofl:rofl

I was taught in HS that evolution is a fact…scoff* and carbon dating was extremely accurate when in reality most scientists will admit accuracy is stretched between 3,000-5,000 yrs back…yet they date back billions of years:lol

My example is that it is an insult to science to call it anything but a theory…but people talk about it like science backs it up when it clearly does not.

I am well aware of the politics behind it. I believe “global climate change” is nothing more than a mask for bringing about global socialism…but thats a whole other bag of apples.:shifty