Civic on my street does not idle right.

So, there are relatively new neighbors down the street from me.
He has a red s2k, and has a friend with a red civic.

I can hear the idle on the civic increasing and decreasing constantly while he is not moving or rolling in neutral.

What the hell causes that?
Vacuum leak?

Its really annoying on what would be an otherwise decent looking/sounding car.

vac leak, or the iacv could be dirty, but most of the cars that came in when i was tuning just needed the idle screw adjusted.



HUGE Cams.

ricer behind the wheel? lol (can’t tell if he’s being serious or not)

why do u care how a neighbors car runs lol


I obviously do not care enough to talk to the guy about it…
I just want to add to my knowledge base.

And, if I do ever converse with him I can tell him to fix it.

If they were real car guys, they would have seen the intercooler in the front of my cav that is very difficult to see, and my useless guages that are not, then asked me what the hell I was thinking.

Tell him to get that turbo out of the way. It’s choking off his intercooler.

So is it really just some thugfag fanning the gas pedal?

my civic use to do the same a few years back. My now wife was asked why is your boyfriend in the parking lot revving his engine. My wife came back with he has a racing engine lol.

does the guy w/ the red civic have a hot sister?

I don’t think the revs range more than 2k. Sounds like its going to die, then compensates… going to die, then compensates. rinse and repeat.

It is way to consistent to be intentional. I have hear it die at the stop sign too.
For some reason it made me smile.

This just reminded me of when I had to park my cav for a few months.
Zerodaze was returning my spring compressors as I backed my sickly car into the driveway back in 2002. :frowning:

Edit: NYSpeed block party to fix random cars on my street anyone??

my ef used to do it the entire time i had it. the guys i sold it to fixed it in a matter of 10 seconds. its usually an idle adjustment screw on the intake.

my mr2 used to do this… tried everything under the sun and still couldnt figure it out.

is the car ok?

probably a dirty air filter. NA cars do that a lot. You should race him for pinks and teach him who’s boss. lol Stupid non idling cars.

There is a fast idle valve on the bottom of the TB thats always went bad on those cars. It opens a vac. port to increase the idle on cold start up. once coolant heats up it closes the port off to bring idle down. After time the spring inside gets weak like in a t-stat and wont hold. Change that and problem sloved.

Tell your neighbor I will buy the civic off him, tell him its like a grand to fix.

Its not my neighbors car… It just visits.