Cleaning engine parts

If anything catches fire I, or my parents if I parish, will have a nice law suit. No worries

It’s already been stated that it’s not flammable, but releases some very uncool fumes when whatever it’s attached to/around start cooking.

I know the older stuff once it caught it would melt and was very hard to put out

Well, this particular product is made specifically to paint on engines and high heat applications. If anything bad happens, I’ll let you guys know.

tough to communicate when your fingers and lips are burned off


I will type in braille :.:::… ::::. ::. :::…

Por 15 is good stuff, just pick up their engine painting kit.

I have used that . Shit will eat anything!

First page


you try purple power?

save up your semen for a few weeks, it’s a pretty powerful degreaser.

Ha nice. I might paint my motor this winter :slight_smile:

Tried it, but the engine was hot so it baked on.

Yeah I just have to decide if I want a low profile color like black or aluminum… or something stupid haha.

Good info in here!

Post pics when you get done and list of the tools you’ve found useful :thumb

Oh Adam hennesy pointed me towards this shit when I was cleaning my heads…

Permetex Gasket Remove… works fucking amazing… just dont get it on your skin :lol

5-6 bucks a can at napa

Hot liquid magma


thats a little dark for a faux allum. finish. here is what fresh raw allum. should look like

with reasonably bright lighting.

edit* this is a soda blasted finish.

word, gasket remover is some NASTY stuff.

works fuckin great thou…

let it sit for 2 mins watch it bubble/wipe or pressure wash it off…

wear 2 layers of rubber gloves thou lol