CLEARLY Nissan GA16DE>* (kill story inside)

dude, you haven’t even fucking witnessed the kid’s camaro…it’s fast, Travis beat him but the camaro wasn’t going down easy

no… i beat him both runs… but clutch slipping in 5th and i put the stock exhaust back on… my baby was VERY pissed at me tonight.

sounds like excuses to me

nissan>fuji heavy any day

why didn’t you take the M3 out tonight you bitch? :shifty

same reason u didnt take the TA or civic? :lol

:lol :shifty … T/A = off the road, no plates, Civic = well has no exhaust lol

actually once you passed me i wasn’t on it… i was too busy getting 50mpg… ho was the smoke s0n.!!!

First of all, there’s no bumper on it.

Second of all, there are only 2 studs holding one of my wheels on…one of the REAR wheels, ya know the DRIVE wheels…your k20 garbage wouldnt know anything about that though :haha


my trans am would though ;D , your M wouldn’t know about that much torque though…

back on topic!!.. the sentra pulling on turbo camaro and STI :banana

:lol and i just waited back so once you guys were ahead i could just top out my car i should have watched the race

yaya… that sentras got balls man… nothing like staring at sentra taillights… :crackup

you were scared, dont lie.

I don’t need to witness it. :wow


Clutch is only going to get worse. Whatcha got lined up for replacement? Don’t fuck up the flywheel.

benny, auto or 5spd?

:crackup :crackup Benny tell me you were wide open trying to catch up to us while we were slowing down doing 75-80 :rofl :haha

Oh, btw Paul(plaf713) your girl was lookin good tonight :thumb :nod

im not going to deny it that the 3.8litre v6 T72 camaro was damn near side by side to 145-150. HOWEVER… the lt-1 or ls-1 (whichever) i had a car or so on by middle of 5th and my temp gauge started climbing again… :idiots

neither, nuclear.

I can’t go WOT for fear of creating a miniature black hole at the leading edge of my hood causing all matter within 10 million light years to be sucked into nothingness.

So no.

my buddy had a 2.5 shortblock/2.0 head hybrid blowing through the stock top mount, with a stock vf39, and you could cook a pack of hotdogs on his top mount after like 5 pulls in 70* weather :rofl

Guys, benny was happier than a fag skipping with a bag full of dicks :crackup :crackup :crackup :crackup :rofl :rofl :rofl