Close Calls...

Tonight I was driving home through the West End on Wabash St. where there is a blinking light. I usually cruise through and slow down a little bit but usually no one is ever out.

Tonight I followed the same, except what caught my eye was headlights rapidly closing in towards the bend. Someone was moving pretty quickly. I slow down a bit more just until I can see around the bend and a Red F-150 is going I’d say about 45-50 mph, blows through the intersection straight down a little side road by where the old Blues cafe was near Tramp’s and eventually slams on his brakes about 200 feet down the street. I had just enough time to react and hit my brakes with about 4-5 feet to spare or else it might have been game over. I don’t recall ever seeing something potentially devastating flash before my eyes like that.

Anyone else ever had any real deal close calls?

I have a few crashes over the years. The most amazing thing, to me anyhow, is the way the always look like they are in slow motion.

A few years ago, I was leaving for work. It was early like 5am and I was running late. So Im driving a bit faster than usual when I hit ice. I lost control of the car and started heading sideways straight for a telephone pole. It was lined up directly with my driver side door so I knew I was about to get hurt. I knew what was going to happen but it seemed as if I took forever. After what felt like an eternity sliding sideways, I hit a ditched right before the telephone pole. It slowed me down enough that I did not hit the pole. However, I was within inches of hitting it. I had to crawl out of the passenger side to get out of the car. I thought I had basically totaled my car, I was sure my suspension pieces in the rear were going to be bent. Surprisingly, My car was fine and I drove out of the ditch with little effort.

It was one of my first life lessons about winter driving. I learned that I needed be slow and deliberate with my actions :slight_smile:

t-boned by a drunk driver in the AAA tow truck while backing a car into a spot. doin 60mph in a 35mph zone. 112 feet of skid marks. missed my door by 6" only because i saw it coming slammed it in first gear and popped the clutch. definately the worse out of my 3 bad accidents

that person must be nuts. police are all over down there. the police station is on main street.

Yep, losing a Cavalier would be a life changing experience…:cuddle: Just kidding of course, someone was going to say that. I’ve had some real close calls before, time slows to a crawl while it happens, then it’s tough to remember all the details.

I was riding shotgun with an unnamed pittspeed member and another former pittspeed member was following us. We merged onto Rt 8 (I think) and had a little run up to about 90 or so. Well we were ahead by a length or two and I guess the former pittspeed member thought we were going to get off at an exit. Well he preceded to try and get over to our lane and his front fender struck our rear 1/4 panel…which while going 80-90 mph sent us out of control. The unnamed pittspeed member did a good job getting it back under control but it was damn scary for about 5-10 seconds…especially when we were sliding sideways towards the base of an overpass (of course my side). When it was all said and done we pulled over to assess the damage…busted up front fender, dented rear 1/4, and mud in our exhaust pipe form power sliding off the road a few times.

some lady going northbound on 79 crossed over through the grass and put the car right in front of me into the side of a tractor trailer, the car split in half and blew up. The guy went flying from the car and died. I stopped about 10 feet away from the accident, i started breaking when i saw her coming across the grass.

Wow, that’s terrible…

Wow, when was this?

it was a few years back now. I had to go to court as a witness for it.

My wreck definitely seemed to have happened in slow motion. On top of that, only going about 25 MPH sideways on black ice for a good distance made it seem like it was taking forever, too.

That’s pretty gruesome… On a side note, my dad saw a couple of girls in a jeep merge out onto the highway one night leaving a truck stop, forgot to turn their lights on and got hit by a coal truck going about 70… Jeep rolled over into the median and caught fire and when he stopped to try and help all he heard was the girls screaming while they burned to death. Man I couldn’t even imagine that.

One time I was a little late pulling out of 1320’s mom and blew a good 80 to 90% of my load right in her. But as it turned out I was in her ass at the time, so all was well.



me and my girlfriend were heading down 79 one night. coming up towards the bridge that passes neville island heading towards bridgeville. Some asshole comes flying up behind us weaving in and out of traffic and passes us.
A little up the road I see that he had clipped a big construction barrel and it was rolling up the one lane. girlfriend had no idea about it, thought she saw it but didnt. I grabbed the wheel and jerked it to the right at the last moment, felt the ass end of the car slide out a little and we BARELY missed the barrel from hitting the quarter panel. def close call… If we would have hit it dead on it would have done some pretty good damage and the airbags would have probably went off.

I remember one. I was on I70 outside of Zanesville, Ohio. I was coming over a crest on the highway going about 70 and was in the middle of the road changing lanes. Right in the middle of the road was a 1/2" thick steel bar (probably a piece of rebar). I cut it to the right onto the shoulder, then to the left. Rear slid slightly on the loose crap on the shoulder, but it corrected itself almost immediately. That bar would done some serious damage too.