clutch work..PLEASE HELP

Hey, im new to the forum…i just recently bought a 1989 240sx…the clutch needed to be replaced…so i went to a shop, whoz name i shall not say, and go it “fixed” …NOT!..the master cylinder and the slave cylinder were both replaced, and the clutch was brand new…so…they put all the stuff in and wat not…but for some reason the clutch wasnt disengaging properly…i found out, that the donkeys put in dot 4 fluid when they needed to put in dot 3…so when they put in dot 3…it was working fine…so…everything was running nicely…until 1 night…i was driving…and as i shift into 2nd gear, and let go of the clutch and apply gas…all i see is my rpms jump…but im not moving…im like wtf…i see my clutch pedal stuck to the floor…i go back to the same shop…and they say my slave cylinder broke…apparently there was some dot 4 fluid left in th lines or wat not and it ate away at the rubber of the slave and broke it…if this is true…i dont know…so they replaced it…but now…it feels as tho my clutch is sliipping…like WTF!!!..when i apply gas, my rpms just jump…but the speed increase is slow…so…im asking…CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHERE I CAN GO TO GET MY CLUTCH FIXED…for a good price…and i wanna make sure that they can do it right…THE FIRST TIME…gawd…so mad :x …srry for the long post :stuck_out_tongue:

Bring it to us at Al’s Auto Salvage / Speedworks

We’ve done clutches so many times I can’t even count. We can check the components and make a recommendation as to what should or needs to be fixed.

We also can provide used parts to help reduce the price of the repairs (Clutch slave and master cyl’s)

Al’s Auto Salvage
