hey well i put my sr in and i didnt change the clutch i thouht i could get away with it and it would be nice. well about a month later it slipps liek a *****, anyways…i was just woundering. i dont really want a CRazyy clutch because i wont be killing my car with power. I do enjoy drifting tho so i want to know if anyof u can tell me a reasonble priced clutch that is good for day use also.
IMO i would say a Centreforce stage two or maybe even three. Since you said you’ll be drifting you wil want one that can take a good beating yet not to stiff that’s it a pain to drive in traffic with. even the entry level ACT clutches would do the trick.
If youre not planing on running any crazy power like you say, go with a stock clutch, 89 maxima is a good replacement.
i have put a few centre force clutchs in they seem to slip. we have good luck with exeddy stg 2 ceramic. there about 500. call if u need any more details. the exeddy is for an sr not a maxima
i looked into it buy exedy stage 2 is a lil much for me rite now after just doing my sr swap. so im just getting a exedy stage 1 oe replacement but with a lil more beeeeeeef anways when i have the money and this one slips then ill get 2
till then happy boosting .
ps. Does anyone have the clips that go on the exhaust manifold to the turbo that hold the bolts in? thanks
ACT 2600(stage 2) I used this clutch with my DRAG talon and 50,000km later it still dosn’t slip… this clutch can REALLY take a beating. I drove the CRAP out of it.
R-compound tires
1.5sec 60’ time
13.563 quarter mile
I can’t wait to get one for my s14