Cobra Jeffy is going to cry

ignorant and careless consumers are the problem. same as sportbikes, fast cars, guns, fireworks, and pretty much everything else people consume. just because the company produces it doesnt mean they should be held accountable for misuse. its all a cluster fuck of government pointing the finger on accountability and attempting to cover itself from liability. this world is fucked up.

Technically the govt didn’t ban them, the producer of 4loko agreed to stop shipping them here. They are no way banned and or illegal

the fact that any type of agreement was brought up is still fucking ridiculous.

if the agreement wasn’t reached they would of been banned, they did this to save some face. but it’s something that should of never even been brought up. just marking it off as another reason why we don’t live in a free country.

yeah…this is bullshit! i love these things, you just have to know the limit. just bc some cocky college fucks and underage whores cant holt their liquor isnt my problem. this is stupid. the state gave fourloko the “option” to pull the drinks. listen, alcohol is a health hazard either way you look at it. but the state’s argument is about the caffine, not the 12% alcohol. they say loko is the equivelent of 4 beers and 2-3 sodas…umm ok then, im pretty sure ppl go to parties and drink more than 4 beers and have some sodas too, hell, maybe even some sugary foods. yup, they will prob die and black out just like fourloko…and then their eye balls melt out of their heads and the moon blows up. give me a fuckin break! people need to be responsible when drinking… dont hate the player, hate the game son. and if you are a bitch, dont drink this shit. nodody is holding a gun to their heads and telling them to buy fourloko. FUCK

Haha yes was waiting on your response

NYS at its finest.

Add to the list the quicki mart chodes selling them to minors. Wither they play it stupid when they get this liquor. lic. revoked (ohhhhh I always thought it was like a monster or a rockstar, I didnt know it had booze in it) or just straight didnt care and wanted to sell the shit and make a buck.

So your telling me the company just threw its arms up one morning and said, fuck it I don’t want to make millions of dollars today we will seize production of our drink and whatever we already produced at the warehouse we won’t ship out?

the state is banning it. they say that the manufacturing company is revoking it “voluntarily” to say it nicely.


In todays paper some of the fucktards in the government are pushing for a national ban.

Is it sold in MA? I go there twice a week for work and pass a few ‘package stores’ (what they call their beer stores) so I could possibly grab some if people paid me.

Paul and Bart at it again…