
About 2 weeks ago we have a customer bring in their laptop for repair. It needed a new keyboard. So I am taking the laptop apart to get to the keyboard. I didn’t make it that far. I pulled up the first piece of plastic and found 2 dead cockroaches. I immediately ran to the bathroom, washed the shit out of my hands. Then I put on latex gloves and a face mask and proceeded back to the PC.

Pulled the keyboard and found 6 more dead cockroaches. At that point I also noticed the entire unit on the inside which is usually a shiny clean metal, was completely black in feces and dead larvae, maybe a thousand or more.

I then proceeded to take the entire unit, broken parts and all, and stuff it into a giant black garbage bag. I then ducktaped the SHIT out of the bag and put it outside. I called the customer and told them there is nothing anyone can do for the machine and that it is outside our office in a garbage bag. I also explained WHY noone could do anything for them.

So here it is 2 weeks later. As I am eating my lunch and checking the threads, what do I see? I fucking COCKROACH crawling on my desk. I almost choked on my lunch then proceeded to kill the fucking thing. I am still getting a gag reflex as I type this.

Needless to say I now need to bomb the office thanks to those dirty fucks. And let me reitterate I own a computer business, so yes, ALL the in stock systems, ALL the servers, ALL the equipment, needs to be moved for an entire day so that we can bomb the office. I am SO excited.

Eddies Aquarium is crawling with them and mice/rats.

cockroches dont die! they will survive a nuclear war.

i had a homie cockroach in japan, he was with me the whole time. id come home from work and he’d be chillen by my AC unit, and as i walked in, he’d run back under it and not surface the entire night.

They do !

We have them at work and we have tried sprays and other killers. Only gets the babies.You find them in the fridge eating your food while its like 30 degrees.Then you find them crawling up a wall onto a small child.

i wouldnt worry about a cockroach until its about 5-6inches in length, at that point id be a bit freightened as it might eat you whole.

Wow dude, thats fucking disgusting…

I know how much of a cunt it is to move server racks… We had a induction/ventilation system installed in our server room so that in the winter we dont have to have the A/C running in the server room, as well the A/C doesnt like it when its 20 degrees out.

We had to move everything, was such a pain in the cock literaly a full days worth of work just for our server room.

wow that sucksssss

I have mice/squirrels in my house, they don’t bother me too much except when im trying to sleep at night. The moment I find a cockroach in my house, Im moving home.

PJB-type statement right there!

Thats because even the cockroaches know that foundation aint stable!

theres cockroaches allll over our dorms here one kid dropped a pumpkin on one in the hallway saturday night lolllll

Eddies they are everywhere . Best is when they are on a little kid. We just grab them and put them in a big.Place them on ed’s desk for him to see in the am.Maybe one day he will do something about it finally.

An awful story … One sunday I didnt touch a can of coke I opened up for about 5 hours. I decide why not ? i’ll finish it now before I leave. So I take a sip and I have 1 live HUGE cockroach and 2 baby dead ones in my mouth.I ran across the showroom drooling like a rabbid dog spitting out coke and cockroaches. Thought I was going to throw up at the busiest time our customers are there. Nastiest shit I have ever had happen to me.

thats absolutely disgusting… eddies is on rt 9 right? surprised that place didnt get shut down yet :crazy

I saw a cockroach once. He smiled at me while I was high on barbituates. I then ate a bag of chips, and a block of cheese with him. We’re cool now.


Yea, hah not YET.

What I don’t understand id how this person didn’t realize there were that many cockroaches in the laptop!!! I can’t imagine what their home is like ughhhhhhh.

FAIL at engineering and installation.

They were most likely drawn to the heat and electrostatic energy of the lap top. When you go to bomb your office I would check all your servers and such.

You guys might not be aware but 78% of all homes US homes have cockroaches. Your house can be immaculate and you can still have cock oraches and not know it.