COD MW2 Question Poll

You NEED scavenger if you have the auto shotgun equipped in secondary. They only give you 30rds of ammo with it. I started switching my style around a little bit and actually switching weapons back and forth before I run out of ammo on the primary then go to secondary. Especially in tight quarters like underneath High Rise and some other levels.

Favela FTW though!

I dont know how ANYONE can use shotguns as primary. You would have to flee around the whole map. I have no setups that are close quarters. Everything is AR or LMG.

Does anyone else HATE the “underpass” level?

i like to set my self up somewhere and use light machine guns, big clips=reloading less. it also has to do with the fact that i love to do dominations, i just camp out near a flag and have at it.

I hate that. Do you at least pick it up once in awhile? If not, I hate you. :lol

God I HATE Favela. Can’t stand it.

Also hate it. Nothing but campers. In fact they should rename that to Day-Camp.

Favorite boards are Rust, Scrapyard, High Rise, Terminal, and Wastelands, in that order. I won’t even play the other ones. I can’t stand Estate either. fucking campers.

god i hate you now.

Terminal is def my favorite, then High Rise or Scrapyard. I actually enjoy Derail too.

nah i pick them up, then defend if necessary

terminal and highrise and the best by far IMO

I’m sure my stats blow, I’ve never looked at them. I usually do HQ, Domination, or Demolition where kills/deaths dont matter. The straight deathmatch stuff gets old.

I started using the Scar AR when I got it and just switched to the AUG LMG. What are the major differences between the ARs and LMGs besides more power and bigger mags?

What gun sets up and fires fastest? I usually get killed because whatever gun I’m using wont squeeze off the first round quick enough.

Favela rules!!

Camping is what bitches who have no skill do.

I did this as well. The AUG HBAR is WAY more accurate than the scar. It fires slower though, but with stopping power its a beast.

Theres also a large difference between setting up in a corner with a HBS waiting for someone to run by, like under stair cases, and getting a good position and staying around that area defending it, like the roof in the sub base level.

I just started using it so I only have the grip (which helps a toooonnn). Do you use the ACOG scope on either? I tried it on the Scar but it just slowed me down lining up a shot.

Tips/hints welcome.

noone likes Rust ehh? i own at that map.

What’s Rust?

Word. In the other missions where you’re defending something, you have to.

i don’t mess with the scar too much anymore, that HBAR is nasty. i have FMJ on mine and the grip. i rock the stock iron sights because the penetration and accuracy is where its at.

Rust is that real small map with the big like grain tower or something in the middle of a fenced in area. It’s in the middle of the desert.

Wow, never knew there were maps I haven’t seen. I should prob play some other games that dont require bases.