just got my copy of COD MW 2 for PS3..ask me anything


game is super good. tons of add ons. knife addon to pistol. holographic scopes. epic success. the kill streak bonuses are now changeable. levelling offers you so much more. not ot mention the graphics are ridiculous. surreal.

what do you mean the kill streak bonuses are changeable? They are a perk now?

I am so excited I feel like a little kid.

I am guessing the graphics are going to be better on the ps3 over the 360 tis time neh?

i dont know about the 360 vs. PS3

it’s really living up to the hype. the co-op missions are REALLY fun with someone else

ok, now when you level up, you can “unlock” kill streak bonuses. 25 kills is a nuke, there’s a few variations on helis, 11 kills is the ride in the helicopter and shoot down, etc. you can unlock as you level up, and choose 3 on each class. so you can have one class with a 3 kill streak UAV, 5 kill streak overhead missile, and like, 25 kill streak nuke. while another can be like, 5 kill heli, 8 kill heli, 11 kill heli, and each helicopter is better the more you go on. there’s like 15 different kill streak options now. it’s wild.

explain said nuke? How many enemies does it kill?

I can see that getting really dumb.

i just have one ?

How the F did u get it 2 days early?

yeah fer realz. how?

yeah i watched some vids on it. the new kill streaks are fucking amazing. The predator missile attack looks sick. You can home in on enemies with a missile that gives you an overhead view of the map and there are red boxes around the opposing team. So you can see where they are on the map and kafuckinboom.

I thought I saw a video with the AC-130 type death from above option.

Sounds cool, and the nuke, although pretty out there, 25kill streak isn’t going to happen often and everyone will try and prevent it.

i hope there are some left, i never reserved one

I sold my xbox 2 months ago.

Because of this game and forza 3, I am buying one again lol.

I feel like a little kid in a candy store I’m so excited to play again

forza 3 is THE SHIT!!

the nuke isnt easy to get by any means. 25 kills, gun only or whatever (no helis or anything). it ends the match and kills everyone.

2 days early aint shit, i was supposed to get this last thursday but my arab money connect fell through :frowning:

and yea forza 3 is pretty good. but im loyal and holding out for GT5!

do you like red jello?

only at the chinese buffets. it’s mandatory to eat some of that at the chinese buffet for an “american” dessert. orange is good too.

i remember 25 kill streaks happening fairly often when I use to play MW1.

If they balanced the weapons better in this game it might be better. I could rape people all day with an m16 in MW1 and it just got stupid. I ended up getting the golden AK47 just because I was so sick of the m16.

Are you pissed you don’t have an Xbox?

Did they add a silencer to any sniper rifles?

That would be stupid.

you have the option of 2 attachments.

IDK, my local gamestop had over 700 preorders, and my buddy preordered it at a different store a couple weeks ago and they had over 600 at that point.