
$40 china coils


$200 Jic Magic with stuts has 1 broken camber plate?


WTF is wrong with you ??

Welcome to the fucking internet.

u fail. and dripped and fell. are u asking for advice? if you are then please be more descriptive. buy neither from what i can understand neither of those are safe and u gna end up crashing ur car

i can not tolerate people like this.

they come into my shop telling me their car rides liek shit. but looks like she tight yo.

wanna slam your car? spend the money on some real shit. if anything get tein dress ups. cheapest and safest.

wanna go big? get some real coil overs.

or buy your 40 dollar coil overs. slide them in. break your back, smash your car…cry cry cry. but do NOT complain here.

honestly what in gods name is happening to the world? everyday im more and more disgusted by the human race.

i understand everyone makes mistakes, fucks up etc. but this IS common sense. and if not for you. LOOK IT UP. this has been covered EVERYWHERE.


Your only option would be to sell the 240 and never come here again.

lol, time for some STANCE!

err, i mean HSD!

and a REAL job!

Haha ok fine guys guess i should wait for a better deal…damn you guys so hard

No, your just to stupid.

^^ wait and save up instead.

New not stupid. this is why im here asking

lol welcome to SON

LOOOOOL @ Polak!!!

and shit, SON is starting to become zilvia haha

I guess everyone is just fed up from all the recent/past bullshit.

RB2650 , just research and think before you ask a certain question, if its something obvious, save yourself the b.s. in advance.

Thanks for coming out.

I don’t care how new you are, $40 suspension components should never sound like a good idea


i want these for my beater lol